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New Years Resolutions

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Get into better shape. I did lose some weight a year and a bit ago and felt a lot better for it. My discipline's gone though and I need to regain it, the new year comes as a good time to start as it follows probably the unhealthiest part of the year.

Save money, and ensure that I'm not begging for payday like I have been the last two months - while I've been quite unlucky situation wise (arguably) it's not a position I liked being in and I felt a bit of a guilty pride amongst my mates that they're always skint and I never was - solely on their own inability to manage money more than anything. I got a bit complacent really.

Another one relating to money - carry it! I had a nickname of cash point once upon a time because I'm always asking for the nearest one. I often forget to carry it on me. It's stupid.

Work through my course in Leeds and hope that the three blocks of two weeks in this calendar year go as well as the first has.

Get promoted at work. My job's fairly easy and stress free, and is going to become even more stress free now that my line manager who is that bit too by the book for my liking is moving up and he's going to be replaced by someone who'll give me more control over what I'm doing. He's a nice bloke but he's got this tendency to make things harder for everyone than they should be and I'm not sure he realises he's doing it. He's going to be replaced by one of two people, both of them I'd say I've helped settle in and both ofthem I get on well with. I think either of them will let me do as I like, which suits me as when I'm given the chance to I can actually organise things xD. Ultimately though I need to progress and I'm on less money than I want to be on. I'm 24 years old and moving out of home is so far off being a realistic target it's embarrassing.

Look at getting a new car. This isn't a top priority as mine is relatively reliable, but it's a bit slow and small. It's still my first one and while it's been OK for the majority of the time, I fancy something new. As stated though I think other things would come before this.

Stop treating £10 bets as if they're nothing.

Sort out my sleeping pattern. While I'm lucky in the sense that I can get to work for 9am having gotten up at 8:15, I still go to bed too late and take it for granted. Ironic I type this at nearly 5am but who's arsed, Christmas is an exemption from all of these.

Don't go to our boxing day game if it's away. I don't think I've ever enjoyed one.

Don't let any female convince me I'm a cunt when I'm not. Something I failed to do for the majority of 2017.

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Top of the list is get a new job. I've been stuck in this dead end job for a couple of years now and, frankly, I'm much better than it. It doesn't pay enough for me to leave home, and the irregular hours make balancing work and life difficult. I've been pretty down for the last few months and I honestly think this is the root cause.

Go to the gym and do it properly. I've been half-arsing it since about August, going once or twice a week and not eating properly. My work schedule doesn't make it easy, but I can do it if I make it a priority.

Stick to my independent learning schedule. Again, can't get into a routine because of work, but I can definitely do better

Last one is more intangible, but possibly the most important: Either let things go, or confront who/whatever it is that's annoyed me. Stop pretending to let it go and quietly stewing.

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I always do them. Usually about 20-25 actually. I think of it more as a good time of year to reassess where I'm at and see what/if any changes need to be made. I did quite well on my 2017 ones, so here are some of my 2018 Goals:

1. Run 2,018 miles
2. There are some recurring bills we have, those need to be paid off.
3. Read 30 books
4. No alcohol for 1 month (this is a reoccurring one)
5. Go Vegetarian for 1 month (Again, a reoccurring one)
6. Run a 50 mile race
7. Run a 100 mile race
8.  Continue studying Russian, and be able to read kid books with little to no issue.
9. A few works related ones, especially since I'm getting a new job in 4 weeks.


Those are just a few.

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Haven't smoked a cigarette in 2 months, been in a good gym habit for 3 months, things are going great at work so I guess just carry on with those things.

I could say I'll aim to try and settle into a relationship but I don't like putting a timer on that.

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20 minutes ago, Burning Gold said:

Last one is more intangible, but possibly the most important: Either let things go, or confront who/whatever it is that's annoyed me. Stop pretending to let it go and quietly stewing.

This hits close to home, and it's frankly the only thing I'd love to be able to do as soon as possible as it's been ruining my ability to enjoy life (which, objectively, has been quite good) for quite a while now.

Other than that, I just have some plans for the next year, but it doesn't really qualify as New Years resolutions.

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14 minutes ago, Cannabis said:

Congratulations on the new job @Eco. Life is treating you well mate :D!

Yeah man - I've been at the same company since high school, and my Dad works here as well and is Regional VP, so I've reached by ceiling here. Plus, I think it's healthy to know that you could be fired for under performing, which is something I have never had to deal with at this company and thus I have probably learned some extremely bad habits.

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4 hours ago, Eco said:

I always do them. Usually about 20-25 actually. I think of it more as a good time of year to reassess where I'm at and see what/if any changes need to be made. I did quite well on my 2017 ones, so here are some of my 2018 Goals:

1. Run 2,018 miles
2. There are some recurring bills we have, those need to be paid off.
3. Read 30 books
4. No alcohol for 1 month (this is a reoccurring one)
5. Go Vegetarian for 1 month (Again, a reoccurring one)
6. Run a 50 mile race
7. Run a 100 mile race
8.  Continue studying Russian, and be able to read kid books with little to no issue.
9. A few works related ones, especially since I'm getting a new job in 4 weeks.


Those are just a few.


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cut down on the booze.

Think it's taken its effect this last month but it's making a visible difference to the waistline. Along with cutting down the drink would be to improve my diet. Although not terrible, but I do have to start eating healthier than I already am.

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2 minutes ago, Stan said:

cut down on the booze.

Think it's taken its effect this last month but it's making a visible difference to the waistline. Along with cutting down the drink would be to improve my diet. Although not terrible, but I do have to start eating healthier than I already am.

Don't need to go too mad on the booze but it'll help. Mainly drink more water and cut out the refined sugars and saturated fats. It will drop off.

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Just now, Lucas said:

Don't need to go too mad on the booze but it'll help. Mainly drink more water and cut out the refined sugars and saturated fats. It will drop off.

yep, I think it was September or October where I cut out the booze altogether. Didn't touch a drop of alochol and there was a noticeable difference in my weight and just general wellbeing. 

I'll probably cut down on the beer and may get started on the gin and tonics given that there's no calories involved. Always been drinking a considerable amount of water each day for as long as I can remember. have cut down on the sugar from 3 to 1 this year already. Considering how much of a sweet tooth I have this is an achievement for me!

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1 minute ago, Stan said:

yep, I think it was September or October where I cut out the booze altogether. Didn't touch a drop of alochol and there was a noticeable difference in my weight and just general wellbeing. 

I'll probably cut down on the beer and may get started on the gin and tonics given that there's no calories involved. Always been drinking a considerable amount of water each day for as long as I can remember. have cut down on the sugar from 3 to 1 this year already. Considering how much of a sweet tooth I have this is an achievement for me!

Wrong. Gin & tonic has about 1.5 time more calories than the same amount of beer (unless you use diet tonic).

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Just now, nudge said:

Wrong. Gin & tonic has about 1.5 time more calories than the same amount of beer (unless you use diet tonic).

wtf. I've been lied to then. 

is it just this country then where they say it has no caloires?! Has anyone else heard this?

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7 minutes ago, Stan said:

wtf. I've been lied to then. 

is it just this country then where they say it has no caloires?! Has anyone else heard this?

Well it's not even possible haha. Gin, like other liquors, has roughly 60-80 calories per shot, depending on brand. Regular tonic is just another soft drink that contains sugar, a glass of that is roughly 100-150 calories (once again, depending on brand). So a standard gin&tonic could be roughly 200 calories. 

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I have 2 big ones.

1. Get a second job. I need more money as I'm not making enough and I feel like im too supported by family. I need to take more responsibility for what I want.

2. Cut down on the junk food. I'm not a drinker as you all probably know but I eat a hell of a lot of junk and I'm gaining a lot of weight. Not happy with that right now.

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2 minutes ago, Blue said:

I have 2 big ones.

1. Get a second job. I need more money as I'm not making enough and I feel like im too supported by family. I need to take more responsibility for what I want.

2. Cut down on the junk food. I'm not a drinker as you all probably know but I eat a hell of a lot of junk and I'm gaining a lot of weight. Not happy with that right now.

do you get paid to do your podcast?

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2 minutes ago, Stan said:

do you get paid to do your podcast?

No because I see that as a hobby. I have another job but it pays little. I see it as a start to my career if anything. I've gotten a few offers after sending in my CV but in the end they didn't interest me. I'm being a bit picky.

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Every year I create a list of things I'd like to achieve during the year and delete them from my notes pages once complete. From memory this year i maintained a 32 inch waist through a healthy lifestyle, made the relevant home improvements I wanted and visited the areas I wished. I didn't move home as I anticipated due to factors out of my control but I made up in that by progressing my career goals by a good 18 months to 3 years. And I'm sure I'll move next year. 

The big things for me next year will be completing this house along, continuing to progress my career and prepare for fatherhood as the missus is somewhat broody after my nephew this year. If that last one happens I'll probably add maintaining my hair line to this list as I'm concerned at the thought of looking like Phil.

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12 hours ago, RandoEFC said:

Haven't smoked a cigarette in 2 months, been in a good gym habit for 3 months, things are going great at work so I guess just carry on with those things.

I could say I'll aim to try and settle into a relationship but I don't like putting a timer on that.

Personally think that's something you can't force and it's more down to timing if anything. I may have it wrong as I'm hardly the example to follow in terms of relationships but don't force it to happen as it'll lower your standards.

Unless you're already with someone therefore ignore every word I just said.

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