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The Conundrum - Is WWE Fake?

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How adult are you   

14 members have voted

  1. 1. How adult are you

    • Yes, totally its all fake
    • No, its a real sport and i love it
    • Sometimes real but mostly fake
    • Fights are real but the drama is scripted
    • Don't know

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  • The title was changed to The Conundrum - Is WWE Fake?
On 14/05/2019 at 20:29, Tommy said:

It's fake and every adult watching this is kind of sad.


So strange. Why? It's literally just scripted drama with athletic violence. Are you sad for watching Star wars or GoT?

On 14/05/2019 at 19:45, Azeem said:



Here's the facts


Writers come up with storyline angles for the different characters. Those characters will be booked to fight each other, one will be booked to beat the other.

The 2 wrestlers will generally figure out what 'spots' (sequences of moves, what the finish will be ect) will be used. The rest is made up on the fly in the ring

The punches and kicks are 'worked' (industry term for fake) This is because if you repeatedly punch or kick someone in the head or body they get seriously injured. Wrestlers wrestle several times a week. They'd never be able to do that work rate or have 10-30 minute matches if they were knocked unconscious all the time. In short. The punches and kicks are fake so no one dies or has 10 concussions a fucking week you silly wankers. 

Everything else is real. The slams, chair shots, slaps, chops, powerbombs ladders ect. That shit hurts. The ring is fucking hard wood with a thin layer of rubber and canvas on it. A good example of this is the ladder match in Saudi Arabia between The Miz, Seth Rollins, Samoa joe and Fin Balor. The week after that match they all had matches at backlash and they were all covered in red welts and bruises from the match a week prior. It's very easy to fuck up and seriously injure someone, it's also easy to fuck up and accidentally punch/kick someone in the head and knock them out. The wrestlers are basically trained stuntmen. I hit a mate with a michinoku driver one night at a house party for shits and giggles. I hit it clean, on grass. He was in the hospital the next morning getting x rayed. Had a bruised lung. 

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What is this thread? xD

People know it's a performance and enjoy it based on how good of a performance it is. You don't get credit for shouting "wrestling is fake", this isn't the 1960s. You just make yourself look dumb by acting like you've made a discovery that you need to share with the world.

There are people that spend their time watching cars being driven but apparently watching high risk, athletic performances is too much. 9_9

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3 hours ago, Azeem said:

Even for scripted play that's horrible 


You clearly don't get it. 


No one expects anyone over the age of 4 to believe that's real. But it's funny as fuck. That video has over a million views because it's entertaining. 


Even the commentators are having a laugh. Stop taking it so seriously. 

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On 17/05/2019 at 19:19, Cannabis said:

WWE isn't embarrassing, it's the people that watch it who are.

@DeadLinesman you going to just stand for his rubbish?!

In all seriousness what kind of topic is this? Does it even require a serious answer? If the OP doesn't know the answer then is he even real? 

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Of course it's fake... they are just like stuntmen going through a routine every time... like them old wrestling days of Big Daddy & Giant Haystacks on World of Sport with Dickie Davies... just something to get the old grannies worked up about.. 


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29 minutes ago, Azeem said:

Hey some of my threads may sound weird but they encourage and often lead to debate on correlate topics like How do you wipe you're ass one.

any pics?

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15 hours ago, JOSHBRFC said:

@DeadLinesman you going to just stand for his rubbish?!

In all seriousness what kind of topic is this? Does it even require a serious answer? If the OP doesn't know the answer then is he even real? 

I’d say I’m more embarrassed by the grown adults trying to make out people don’t know it’s choreographed. Completing the moves they do over and over again, 5 times a week, through injury. Yet they idolise fucking pansies that fall over at a light breeze or a brush of the shoulder. Get in the fucking sea.

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I have only ever been to one wrestling match in Australia in the late '60s with my brother-in-law, Doug, he loved wrestling and did take it seriously, we were watching a match and I am sure it was this Big Daddy wrestling some other guy and what I saw I thought and said to Doug "What a load of bull-shit, this is all put on?" he maintained it wasn't and it was for real.

When the match had finished and this Big Daddy guy started to walk past Doug, Doug was standing on the seat trying to make himself look big as he is only around 5ft and a bit high and was calling this Big Daddy all the names under the sun and swearing like a beauty like "YOU ARE BIG CUNT SHIRLEY...YOU EVEN HAVE A GIRLS NAME", well Big Daddy's real name is Shirley Crabtree and he started to give Doug the evil eye so I pulled Doug off of his chair and dragged him away before this Shirley came across and kicked the shit out of Doug, I have never been to another match since and I don't even watch it on the box.   

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It's more of an entertainment show than wrestling. The stunts are impressive, I have respect for what people have to go to become successful out of it, and the scripted element of it keeps people interested.

I don't watch Game of Thrones, Eastenders etc because the thought of watching a program where half the characters appear to be incestual doesn't interest me in the slightest. Watching a scripted show with a competitive nature behind it does. I dont spend my life telling others they're sad for watching those shows which is why I'm suprirsed WWE still has this taboo around it.

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