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Christoph Metzelder - Former German International Confesses To Child Trafficking

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Read about it yesterday; decided against posting about it as it's vile stuff that can ruin someone's life completely regardless of the outcome of the investigations. Must say I find the circumstances of it quite a bit weird though; apparently his ex-girlfriend was the one to go to the police after he allegedly sent 15 images to her via Whatsapp? That would be a completely new level of stupid if true.

Anyway, innocent until proven guilty. 

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15 minutes ago, nudge said:

Read about it yesterday; decided against posting about it as it's vile stuff that can ruin someone's life completely regardless of the outcome of the investigations. Must say I find the circumstances of it quite a bit weird though; apparently his ex-girlfriend was the one to go to the police after he allegedly sent 15 images to her via Whatsapp? That would be a completely new level of stupid if true.

Anyway, innocent until proven guilty. 

Yeah the tweet says 'fiance'?

So I imagine that'd be ex-fiance now xD?!

As you say, vile and disgusting if true. His life is tarnished now - no smoke without fire and all that. It begs the question what kind of conversation was had between him & his fiance/ex-gf to prompt him to send the photos, if any? A moot point, I know. 


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7 minutes ago, Stan said:

Yeah the tweet says 'fiance'?

So I imagine that'd be ex-fiance now xD?!

As you say, vile and disgusting if true. His life is tarnished now - no smoke without fire and all that. It begs the question what kind of conversation was had between him & his fiance/ex-gf to prompt him to send the photos, if any? A moot point, I know. 


According to media reports they were together for about a year and broke up a while ago and she went to the police soon after that. So one way or the other it looks like the case of "revenge" - regardless if the allegations are true or not. Hell has no fury like a woman scorned... Which raises the question that you mentioned as well - if it's true then it's obvious she knew about it and probably even participated in it as otherwise he wouldn't have sent those images? If it's not true then that's just as vile as well (in terms of trying to ruin someone's life). 

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25 minutes ago, Tommy said:

I didn't know if I should post it or not. Should I better remove it? 

Considering that it's plastered all over the internet/social media anyway, I think it really wouldn't make any difference. 

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2 hours ago, nudge said:

Read about it yesterday; decided against posting about it as it's vile stuff that can ruin someone's life completely regardless of the outcome of the investigations. Must say I find the circumstances of it quite a bit weird though; apparently his ex-girlfriend was the one to go to the police after he allegedly sent 15 images to her via Whatsapp? That would be a completely new level of stupid if true.

Anyway, innocent until proven guilty. 

I read this earlier this morning. It's shocking news if true. It's even more surprising given the fact that it has always been well known that Metzelder was a Practicing Catholic(no ironic Priest and you know what quips please). He was supposed to be this well read, good Christian boy, well that was always how he was described to be like at least.

If he is proven guilty then he has done something disgusting and completely idiotic. 

But as you say Nudge, Metzelder is innocent until proven guilty. So I don't think we should jump the gun before everything is confirmed. 

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27 minutes ago, Michael said:

He was supposed to be this well read, good Christian boy, well that was always how he was described to be like at least.

Wouldn't be the first time someone who's "devout" was actually a monster.

I hope it's not true, because pedos are scum and I'd like to think that as few people as possible are into fucking kids and looking at children being sexually exploited. Guess we'll just have to wait and see what evidence comes out against him.

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58 minutes ago, Cicero said:

Wouldn’t call them scum per say. 

Being attracted to children is a mental illness. I’d say those that give in are scum vs those that resist the temptation and/or actually seek treatment. 

I see you've watched "The Woodsman" as well :ph34r:

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18 hours ago, nudge said:

Anyway, innocent until proven guilty. 


14 hours ago, Michael said:

Metzelder is innocent until proven guilty. So I don't think we should jump the gun before everything is confirmed.

As above... Not saying he is one or the other but wish that the law was changed to give people identity protection at least until they have enough evidence to prove someones guilt.. Once your name is attached to such a thing and that includes things like rape for example it can ruin your life forever... 

I would be intrigued to know if the police will be looking into why she held on to that information only waiting until they broke up to come forward with it if it's true that is.. 

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10 minutes ago, Bluewolf said:


As above... Not saying he is one or the other but wish that the law was changed to give people identity protection at least until they have enough evidence to prove someones guilt.. Once your name is attached to such a thing and that includes things like rape for example it can ruin your life forever... 

I would be intrigued to know if the police will be looking into why she held on to that information only waiting until they broke up to come forward with it if it's true that is.. 

True. And even if you are proven innocent its a stigma that sticks around for many years after that. I think the fact that you've been acquitted doesn't outweigh the personal damage to ones image and career in the long run. Someone above was saying that he was involved in a charity for children as well and I am sure those board members must be wondering what to do now as well when it could very well turn out he is proven innocent.

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1 hour ago, Mel81x said:

True. And even if you are proven innocent its a stigma that sticks around for many years after that. I think the fact that you've been acquitted doesn't outweigh the personal damage to ones image and career in the long run. Someone above was saying that he was involved in a charity for children as well and I am sure those board members must be wondering what to do now as well when it could very well turn out he is proven innocent.

Of course, firstly there is the suspicion that they might have done something and if he is involved in that charity work they will obviously not want to be associated with anything harmful so will probably remove him while the investigation is ongoing then you can throw in anything to do with his ex as papers and tv will be falling all over themselves to get her story not to mention friends/relatives that may come in the firing line... 

It's a tough call when things like working with children or charities are involved because if you allowed that individual to continue working in said field and then they do turn out to be guilty people will be asking why he was not removed from that position as soon as he was being questioned... The other thing that adds fuel to the fire is when Stan mentions things like 'no smoke without fire' which does infer guilt without evidence... 

We all know what happened in this case don't we after he was dragged through the gutter in a very public way.. 

Sir Cliff said he is 'obviously thrilled that the vile accusations' have come to a close

After 2 years and a cost of £800,000 Prosecutors announced that they had 'insufficient evidence' to prosecute.. 


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13 hours ago, Cicero said:

Wouldn’t call them scum per say. 

Being attracted to children is a mental illness. I’d say those that give in are scum vs those that resist the temptation and/or actually seek treatment. 

Don't think that's the case most of the times, remember in the old times it was common for kings and nobles to marry -15 girls, would you say they all had a mental illness? don't think so, that would be odd. Also what about the Muslim countries where they still do this?, it's differences of cultures and changes of times more than anything, what was seen as normal back in the day is seen as as atrocious nowadays, it's the opposite with homosexuality. Same with Muslims, what is normal to them is seen as outrageous here and they think no different of costumes here neither.

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4 hours ago, Berserker said:

Don't think that's the case most of the times, remember in the old times it was common for kings and nobles to marry -15 girls, would you say they all had a mental illness? don't think so, that would be odd. Also what about the Muslim countries where they still do this?, it's differences of cultures and changes of times more than anything, what was seen as normal back in the day is seen as as atrocious nowadays, it's the opposite with homosexuality. Same with Muslims, what is normal to them is seen as outrageous here and they think no different of costumes here neither.

Yeah that was during a time where it was culturally acceptable. Especially considering the average life span was like 30. 


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I've been reading up on this and something doesn't quite tally up. The a confession of sorts was said to have been made in court, for which his team tried to stop being made public. If it's true its grim as fuck. 

The former Germany international soccer player Christoph Metzelder is said to have confessed during the investigations of the public prosecutor's office against him for the possession and distribution of child exploitation images — although the extent of his confession remains unclear.
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I shiver when I read allegations (and maybe confessions) with this sick episode of involving young children, it makes the likes of me, the wife son & daughter watch every person we speak to and speak to the grand kiddies.

We now live in a world where this can happen over the internet and whatever yet years ago there were no such things and my parents and others were on their toes watching out for perverts and back in those days if someone was caught touching a child out of sorts if the law was not around then close-knit communities acted outside the law and god help the fuckers, as my old man would say "Stick them inside a room with 10 women, lock the door and let them rip the fuck out of whoever".  

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1 hour ago, nudge said:

What a sick fuck. 

Absolutely. And to think that he was involved in a charity organization against child prostitution makes it much creepier as it already is as well. 


Edit: Oh I already said that in the first post. OH well. :D 

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This is an awful thing to wake up to and read, especially after a conversation I had last night. 

I'm not sure how it works outside of the States, but if you a sex offender, you are 'labeled' as such and it's public information, so you can go to the website, type in your neighborhood, address, city, whatever, and it'll show the houses and mug shots of the sex offenders living there. Well my wife did this a couple of weeks ago, and sure enough, there is a guy around my age who got arrested for filming child pornography, and my wife and I just sat there and discussed what we should do, but I told her that I trust her decision and we never really spoke about it again. 

Last night a few guys all got together in a big field, we drank some beers while sitting in a giant circle at least 6ft apart, and the whole situation came up. Two guys said my wife was a badass for what she did..but since I don't have social media, I was clueless. 

Turns out our neighborhood (there are 2,000 homes in our neighborhood) has a Facebook page for just homeowners, and I guess my wife just posted something about keeping the children safe and knowing who your neighbors are, and then attached the link that took you to the site where you can look up our neighborhood. Needless to say, most people had no idea and probably are waking up today a little bit more protective of their children. 

Oh, and this guy, my neighbor, was convited 4 years ago...so it wasn't some dumb teenage stunt, he was 32 when he got arrested. 

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