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Just now, Cannabis said:

Some women need to shut the fuck up.

If I become a figure of significance I wonder if they'll replace me with a woman... o.O

You know it just really irritates me. There are so many people in this world who think they're God's gift or that they're always right, too many in fact.

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37 minutes ago, Cure said:

Scrolling through Twitter it's increasingly clear that there are now calls for a female Sherlock Holmes and a female Bond. Some women have said they won't stop ranting about it until it happens.

Y'know, I usually hate the 'PC Snowflake' nonsense, and I hate that they've got a female Dr Who now even though I only watch one or two episodes a year, but I've got to put a word in for Elementary and Joan Watson. I personally thought it was excellent and far superior to BBC Sherlock in every way. Having a female Watson actually adds something to the show and she's a complex, well-written character, not just an excuse for the writers to pat themselves on the back for being so progressive.

I don't know about James Bond, but there's already a female Sherlock Holmes. She's called Miss Marple. Why do these 'progressive' knobs have to hijack something that's already been made and contradict the source material instead of creating their own characters and letting them succeed or fail on their own merit

I actually disagree with Cannabis about Idris Elba; I think he'd be a good Bond. I understand the concerns about departure from canon, but Bond has always evolved, and is it so unbelievable that a British man would be black? In fact, I was looking at all the bookies' favourites the other day and he'd be my favourite of the lot. That said, it's very rare that I watch a Bond film, so I'm hardly the target audience.

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I see social media has exploded in uproar over the Doctor Who announcement. What I find distasteful is that the whole regenerating into a woman sort of breaks the shows own continuity yet anyone expressing these concerns is labelled a sexist. We've reached a point where even pseudo celebrities are preaching across Twitter slating anyone who's against a woman being Doctor Who. For my part, if Jodie Whittaker does a good job I wouldn't have an issue revising my opinion. But I certainly don't consider myself sexist for not being in favor. As part of my work I've been involved in a course that looks to understand what motivates employees and explore how the human mind works in finding ways to categorize to provide understanding and structure. This is one of those situations where people who cannot accept a differing opinion assault it with a sweeping generalisation. In short. It's almost everything that's wrong with the social media culture today. People have become prosaic in their thinking. It's either one way or the other. Except it's not. And it's tedious. 

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From my mafia users out there and to break out of that...

It has come to my attention that Cannabis's character surname, Esposa-Quente, returns a lot of porn videos if you put it into a search engine. I thank the person who pointed that out to me. Whilst it is very tongue-in-cheek, ironically perhaps in a literal manner if you'll pardon the dirty pun, I didn't exact a long list of options.

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I watched Doctor Who through the Ecclestone and Tennant years and for maybe the first series with Matt Smith, who I think is a good actor but I just didn't like him as Doctor Who, though this might also be because the writing went downhill at the same time, or maybe the writing was always the same and I just saw through it more when I reached that age.

Having Doctor Who as a woman is a strange one, there's nothing inherently wrong with having a female in such a big role and although I'm not massively clued up on the "lore" or "rules" about the Doctors regeneration, I don't believe there's anything wrong with him becoming a woman in that regard.

The problem is that there are some characters, James Bond and Sherlock Holmes moreso than The Doctor, which are male. Some people (not many) are very vocal about how it's sexist to insist that these characters have to be male, and how it represents some great victory for equality to have a female Doctor, but where their logic falls over is when you start putting the boot on the other foot.

If the next remake of Mary Poppins or Wizard of Oz had a male lead character as Mary or Dorothy, would people celebrate the victory for equality? No, they wouldn't, which goes to show it is not equality that's being celebrated, the celebration is for internet pitchfork mobs scoring a victory while convincing themselves that they're fighting for some great just cause.

The female Doctor doesn't bother me. The actress I've only seen in Black Mirror but she was good, and good luck to her. What bothers me is the reaction of the melts on twitter who somehow manage to convince themselves that this is evidence of some brave new world where equality rules, rather than seeing the truth before their eyes that it's another case of media bending to pressure from a minority of vocal idiots in the knowledge that this meaningless decision will be celebrated as a ground breaking leap into the future. 

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12 hours ago, RandoEFC said:

I watched Doctor Who through the Ecclestone and Tennant years and for maybe the first series with Matt Smith, who I think is a good actor but I just didn't like him as Doctor Who, though this might also be because the writing went downhill at the same time, or maybe the writing was always the same and I just saw through it more when I reached that age.

Having Doctor Who as a woman is a strange one, there's nothing inherently wrong with having a female in such a big role and although I'm not massively clued up on the "lore" or "rules" about the Doctors regeneration, I don't believe there's anything wrong with him becoming a woman in that regard.

The problem is that there are some characters, James Bond and Sherlock Holmes moreso than The Doctor, which are male. Some people (not many) are very vocal about how it's sexist to insist that these characters have to be male, and how it represents some great victory for equality to have a female Doctor, but where their logic falls over is when you start putting the boot on the other foot.

If the next remake of Mary Poppins or Wizard of Oz had a male lead character as Mary or Dorothy, would people celebrate the victory for equality? No, they wouldn't, which goes to show it is not equality that's being celebrated, the celebration is for internet pitchfork mobs scoring a victory while convincing themselves that they're fighting for some great just cause.

The female Doctor doesn't bother me. The actress I've only seen in Black Mirror but she was good, and good luck to her. What bothers me is the reaction of the melts on twitter who somehow manage to convince themselves that this is evidence of some brave new world where equality rules, rather than seeing the truth before their eyes that it's another case of media bending to pressure from a minority of vocal idiots in the knowledge that this meaningless decision will be celebrated as a ground breaking leap into the future. 

That's not equality though is it? The acting world is dominated by men. If it was already balanced then you'd have a point, but what is the point in turning Dorothy into a man? Taking one of the very few female led roles to prove a point in an already male dominated industry is not equality. There maybe an internet pitchfork mob that like to point score, but gender equality is a great cause and if you can't see that there is very little gender equality in the acting industry then you need to do more research.

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32 minutes ago, Danny said:

That's not equality though is it? The acting world is dominated by men. If it was already balanced then you'd have a point, but what is the point in turning Dorothy into a man? Taking one of the very few female led roles to prove a point in an already male dominated industry is not equality. There maybe an internet pitchfork mob that like to point score, but gender equality is a great cause and if you can't see that there is very little gender equality in the acting industry then you need to do more research.

I never said its not important or not a great cause, and like I've said I'm not upset about having a female Doctor because why not, the thing that bothers me is the internet mobsters thinking that they've done something great just by spewing their BS on Twitter. 

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I lost my wallet a few weeks back near work and thought that was it. Then today I had a phone call off the environment agency saying that someone had handed my wallet into the police station and the coppers contacted them due to it having their number on my rod licence. Fair play to the person who handed it in. There was only about £4 in there but it was losing all my cards such as my Rod licence, cscs card, etc(I sorted my bank cards out instantly) that was the piss take. Glad I got them back as it has saved me money now  having to buy replacements.

I didn't bother checking to see if anyone handed it in as I doubted they would have. I want to say thank you to them personally, although they wouldn't give me any details unfortunately.


9 hours ago, Berserker said:

An Eastern European henchman who didn't know how to drive?, USELESS!

With his leather jacket on.


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On 7/16/2017 at 0:01 PM, Cannabis said:

I don't watch Doctor Who but the fact they've made him a women is complete bollocks and everything that's wrong with society. Idris Elba being the next James Bond (if it happens) is just as bad. 

You think that is bad but the BBC cast a black woman as this real life human bean:



Now mate, I don't really care too much about Doctor Who because that is a fictional character and an alien to boot but THIS IS HISTORICAL REVISIONISM. I wouldn't cast the greatest actor alive if they didn't look like the historical figure they are portraying.

10 hours ago, Danny said:

That's not equality though is it? The acting world is dominated by men. If it was already balanced then you'd have a point, but what is the point in turning Dorothy into a man? Taking one of the very few female led roles to prove a point in an already male dominated industry is not equality. There maybe an internet pitchfork mob that like to point score, but gender equality is a great cause and if you can't see that there is very little gender equality in the acting industry then you need to do more research.

Devil's Advocate here: Gender equality isn't making a male character female. It's writing a new character completely. Equal representation is nonsense, TV creators have no obligation to write 1 male part for every female part. Their duty is to write engaging stories and characters that sell and if that means writing more male parts, than that is where the money is. I think this is sexist, they've taken a well received and loved male character and expect 'equality' to simply ride on the coat-tails of an already loved character. It's far easier to do that and create an engaging female character, they've put zero stock in an actual heroine capturing the hearts of audiences. This is lazy, pandering nonsense, that is meant to appeal to no-one outside of the writer's ego. I don't think woman have to be placated or even settle for gender swapped roles. We know a woman can be an amazing TV lead, look at Xena and Buffy.

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Also on Bond, I don't care for Idris Elba at all. Mainly because he looks like Douglas Maicon so I couldn't take him seriously as James Bond. xD One of my friends went on a rant about The Dark Tower series recently. Mainly how about the character's race was central to his character and especially the dynamic between him and one of the main villains which is a black woman. He also went off on some tangent about how the main characters 'white power' was representative of his race or some shit. He also mentioned that since it was written in the 90s people weren't offended by a different examination of race relations and that this new movie is a product of the time we live in.

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14 hours ago, The Rebel CRS said:

I lost my wallet a few weeks back near work and thought that was it. Then today I had a phone call off the environment agency saying that someone had handed my wallet into the police station and the coppers contacted them due to it having their number on my rod licence. Fair play to the person who handed it in. There was only about £4 in there but it was losing all my cards such as my Rod licence, cscs card, etc(I sorted my bank cards out instantly) that was the piss take. Glad I got them back as it has saved me money now  having to buy replacements.

I didn't bother checking to see if anyone handed it in as I doubted they would have. I want to say thank you to them personally, although they wouldn't give me any details unfortunately.


With his leather jacket on.


You've been very lucky mate, my mum went through the same when she was in Cali a few years ago and someone miraculously did the same good deed to her. Only difference is that her's had quite a few dollars, her passport and plane ticket in it haha. :D

And don't forget his Italian shoes.

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2 hours ago, Smiley Culture said:

Dr Who is shite. 

Matt Smith was the best Doctor in my opinion. Simply because that's the only time I have ever watched the show. My ex from years and years ago would watch it and I would also find myself sat there and actually enjoying it him as the Doctor. 

Oh and he's a Blackburn Rovers fan. 

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been shafted with my TV deal what with the new Sky Sports channels changing.

I have a deal with BT TV where I pay £32.50 for the TV entertainment deal and then an add-on for £22 to get Sky Sports 1 & 2 which was perfectly fine.

Now that it's changed to Sky Sports Main Event and Sky Sports Extra and they've upped the price on the add-on to £27, I'm going to lose out on some sport which would have usually been on Sky Sports 2 and may not be shown on Sky Sports Main Event or Extra.

Looking at Virgin and Sky deals and it looks like I may have to pay nearly double the current deal of £32.50 to get Sky Sports channels and BT Sport channels. 

Also been told to cancel my TV deal with BT it'll cost £73 cos my contract runs til next Sept.

What does everyone else pay?

Thinking about getting Kodi but a bit skeptical...

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