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Hector Bellerín Criticises Arsenal FanTV for 'feeding off clubs failures'

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Hector Bellerin has accused supporters channel ArsenalFanTV of feeding off the club's failures.

The fan-run YouTube channel has over 670,000 subscribers in which Gunners supporters comment on matches shortly after the final whistle.

Speaking at the Oxford Union, Bellerin questioned whether they are true fans but says the criticism does not bother the Arsenal players.

"I don't think there are players that actually go on the internet to watch ArsenalFanTV," said the Spaniard.

"It does sometimes pop up in your timeline. I see it sometimes. I have friends who say, 'oh, have you heard what that guy on ArsenalFanTV [said]?'

"It's so wrong for someone who claims to be a fan and their success is fed off a failure. How can that be a fan?

"I think they're just people hustling, trying to make money their way, which everyone is entitled to do.

"But for us players, it doesn't affect us. If people want to have fun with it, then have fun. For us, when you grow, you realise what is important to you to listen to and what not to take.

"If a coach comes to me and tells me that I've done something bad or wrong, I'm going to take that advice. If someone from ArsenalFanTV says this guy needs to do this or that, I'm not going to listen to him.

"They're entitled to their opinion and the way they want to do it. If people find it funny, then go watch it."


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Bellerin is spot on. The fame of those on Arsenal Fan TV is only accelerated by Arsenal losing. If Arsenal won games, it wouldn’t be an entertaining watch and their success would have been limited.

That said, Arsenal Football Club accelerate the interest in Arsenal Fan TV by operating as they do as a Football Club. By operating in a way in which success is measured by merely qualifying for European Football every year and winning a couple of FA Cup’s, a trophy which realistically is low down on their list of priorities, whilst charging inaudinate and frankly, disgusting amounts of money for the privilege of watching their games, Arsenal give their fans, especially the idiots on Arsenal Fan TV, an excuse to behave as they do. 

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Emotions are high when a team lose so likely to say more outlandish stuff which brings in views. If more clubs had similar fan ran channels on the level ArsenalFanTV is (which is excellent) then there'd be loads of "famous" fans. Every fan base has a Claude, Ty, DT and the others. United's one hit fame with the Andy Tate videos. 

There is nothing wrong with different views from the same old faces you see from BT, Sky, BBC and the likes. These are the fans that actually go the game and feel the most. I'd be more inclined to listen to them on Arsenal than someone like Souness or Rio Ferdinand. 

Fair play to them. 

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16 minutes ago, HK85 said:

Emotions are high when a team lose so likely to say more outlandish stuff which brings in views. If more clubs had similar fan ran channels on the level ArsenalFanTV is (which is excellent) then there'd be loads of "famous" fans. Every fan base has a Claude, Ty, DT and the others. United's one hit fame with the Andy Tate videos. 

There is nothing wrong with different views from the same old faces you see from BT, Sky, BBC and the likes. These are the fans that actually go the game and feel the most. I'd be more inclined to listen to them on Arsenal than someone like Souness or Rio Ferdinand. 

Fair play to them. 

I stopped taking your opinion seriously when you said Arsenal Fan TV is “excellent”. If watching people with a below average IQ is excellent, Jeremy Kyle must be one of the best TV presenters of all time. 

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Fans are the paying customer and more because this is sport and not a calculator you buy at John Lewis. It’s ironic Bellerín who comes from a culture where fans whistle their disdain at individuals or the collective when they deem not enough is being offered considering either the resources or the quality of the individual in question of the dissenting voices.

The rhetoric in Spain from players when this occurs is only one by all no matter which club. “We play for the fans, the fans are the club and they have their reasons behind their opinions”.

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11 minutes ago, Smiley Culture said:

I stopped taking your opinion seriously when you said Arsenal Fan TV is “excellent”. If watching people with a below average IQ is excellent, Jeremy Kyle must be one of the best TV presenters of all time. 

I meant the way it's ran rather the content. It's the best of its kind.

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3 hours ago, Cannabis said:

Bellerin is spot on. When you've got the likes of Troopz mouthing off on ArsenalFanTV calling Sanchez a ''cunt'' and then the very next day following him to his hairdresser to get a selfie you know that these idiots are doing it for the attention. I've not watched AFTV for ages because it preys on Arsenal doing badly to get views. I'd hate for it to happen to Everton and thank God it hasn't really caught on.

Behave, I know you love it. That DT video on Sanchez was quite possibly the greatest thing ever posted on a forum in existence 

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4 hours ago, SirBalon said:

The rhetoric in Spain from players when this occurs is only one by all no matter which club. “We play for the fans, the fans are the club and they have their reasons behind their opinions”.

When anyone in football says that it's them obviously playing the media game of actually avoiding the question while still answering the question. And it's not just in Spain, everyone in football says it no matter how cuntish fans are being. No one in their right mind thinks "Yeah they abused me but it's all okay, the customer is always right".

It's a bullshit line.

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4 minutes ago, 6666 said:

When anyone in football says that it's them obviously playing the media game of actually avoiding the question while still answering the question. And it's not just in Spain, everyone in football says it no matter how cuntish fans are being. No one in their right mind thinks "Yeah they abused me but it's all okay, the customer is always right".

It's a bullshit line.

Whistling is abuse?

And no, the customer isn't always right because the customer is only right when he or she is right.

But football isn't composed of customers in the traditional sense, is it!  Football is a following, it's a tribal phenomenon which indeed breeds money so as to maintain its functioning and in modern football, to make money or gain status for those that own the brand (that last bit for the clubs that are PLCs).

Football is an embodiment of people and people go in masses to observe it and manifest their following of either the club or the nation... Within tribal phenomenons we understand that emotions come into the reckoning and its emotions that are reproduced at football stadia the world over.

I could go on but I won't.  Just to say that in Spain they have a wonderful saying in the football world to describe the fan...

"El hincha es soberano"

"The fan is sovereign"

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1 hour ago, SirBalon said:

Whistling is abuse?

And no, the customer isn't always right because the customer is only right when he or she is right.

But football isn't composed of customers in the traditional sense, is it!  Football is a following, it's a tribal phenomenon which indeed breeds money so as to maintain its functioning and in modern football, to make money or gain status for those that own the brand (that last bit for the clubs that are PLCs).

Football is an embodiment of people and people go in masses to observe it and manifest their following of either the club or the nation... Within tribal phenomenons we understand that emotions come into the reckoning and its emotions that are reproduced at football stadia the world over.

I could go on but I won't.  Just to say that in Spain they have a wonderful saying in the football world to describe the fan...

"El hincha es soberano"

"The fan is sovereign"

The level of cringe and self importance is unbearable in that post.

"We can say what we like but you can't say anything back, we're sacred" 9_9

And let go if this "in Spain they're great" nonsense. Their marketing seems to be better though, talk about fans in mythical terms before fucking them over. xD


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14 minutes ago, The Artful Dodger said:

Lot of plastics on here who don't understand what it is to pay money to watch your team. Pay money to travel to watch your team. Pay money to stay to stay in a town to watch your team.

Gimps like 666 are bloodsucking streamwatchers. They are not fans.

You always cry when I mention reality as it ruins your view of all fans being the underdog that can do no wrong. You barely even give any sort of logical reasoning to your stance. xD

The idea of fans being allowed to voice their opinion is a fair one but the idea of those opinions being untouchable is a ridiculous one. You may see it as your escapism where you get to feel special but you're not.

If you actually have a valid argument against what I've said (meaning "they paid to watch their team, they're allowed to be loud, moronic cunts without criticism" doesn't count) then go ahead.

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Well if they put in title challenging performances regularly then they'd not have to worry.

Arsenal fans lost Highbury and we're sold the Emirates as a tool to compete on a global scale...it's not happened.

ArsenalFan TV is very cringeworthy and they probably do make a lot of money from it but they've been interviewing people who attend home and away, Bellerin needs to wind his neck in and put in some defensive shifts with the rest of that back four.

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5 hours ago, The Artful Dodger said:

Lot of plastics on here who don't understand what it is to pay money to watch your team. Pay money to travel to watch your team. Pay money to stay to stay in a town to watch your team.

Gimps like 666 are bloodsucking streamwatchers. They are not fans.

Must make the Asian fans that pay thousands of dollars to travel to watch games the real fans then. Money doesn't make a fan. Elitism concerning fandom is top tier cringe. I don't give a toss if the fellow sitting next to me is a plastic, new fan, or a die hard; as long as they aren't up in my business or a fair-weather that is driving up ticket prices, what others do is no concern of mine. To be so obsessed over what other people are, if the 'true fans' is pathetic; their is no grand arbiter of fandom. 

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I have no issue with AFTV or with what Hector Bellerin has said. To be honest I can see where he is coming from and to see how he has riled up certain Arsenal fans has been a joy to behold.

I think he is perfectly entitled to an opinion and I don't actually think what he said was by any means offensive. Fans are happy to dish it out, so should be fully prepared to take some back.

This is my favourite thing to come out of all this though. This guy is the biggest mong, no idea why he has got so much attention off AFTV recently.

"That's me and you done!" xD

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3 hours ago, Spike said:

Must make the Asian fans that pay thousands of dollars to travel to watch games the real fans then. Money doesn't make a fan. Elitism concerning fandom is top tier cringe. I don't give a toss if the fellow sitting next to me is a plastic, new fan, or a die hard; as long as they aren't up in my business or a fair-weather that is driving up ticket prices, what others do is no concern of mine. To be so obsessed over what other people are, if the 'true fans' is pathetic; their is no grand arbiter of fandom. 

Are you saying that the anyone watching on his or her TV set halfway around the world has the same status as a fan that goes to the games?  I don't care where that fan is from even one that selects to watch from his armchair in North London... The fan that goes to games is the essence of the heart of any football club.

There is elitism in every walk of life whether we like it or not but what's being said here isn't elitist at all but an understanding of a player's place.  He's (Bellerín) criticising AFTV and he's got that wrong!  Why?  Because one thing is for him to have said that the producers of that social tube site are sensationalists and that they are the ones who are maybe profiting off the lack of success at the club....  That's understandable although even then he should've kept quiet and just concentrate on his game. But to criticise those fans on there that go to home and away games come rain or shine is wrong!

Another subject is those fans that indeed are common participants of AFTV becoming sort of infamous and that they may be enjoying that fame. Well that's another story and one that I may find myself agreeing to but AGAIN Bellerín should've kept his mouth shut.

Footballers have no reason or excuse to criticise heir fans when those fans haven't broken any rules or harmed anyone with what they've said.

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