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What's in your diet?

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Is your diet good, bad or ugly?

Yesterday I woke up late, had "breakfast" at midday which was a $5 burger, fries and drink feed. Then had another soft drink and pack of maltesers as I watched the Avengers film again before finishing the day with a double cheeseburger, fries and a milkshake from Better Burger (which is a healthyish place for burgers). Fair to say not my finest hour or day and Ive felt the effects of it today.

So I'm going mostly veggies this coming week and with meat maybe once or twice a week. Any vegans on here with some tips? As much shit as I give veganism you can't argue with a healthy diet.

Also going to buy meat from butchers rather than from supermarkets and unfortunately eat more fish.

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I eat too much chicken/meat (could lead to kidney stones), not enough greens and snack unhealthily.

I use exercise and football once a week/badminton once a week but deep down I know that's papering over the cracks so to speak. I need to change my diet and stop replying on the exercise/sport as good as that is cos one day I won't be able to do that or rely on it to keep my weight down. 

I need more of a balanced diet, just need the will power and discipline to do it. 

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10 minutes ago, Stan said:


I eat too much chicken/meat (could lead to kidney stones), not enough greens and snack unhealthily.

I use exercise and football once a week/badminton once a week but deep down I know that's papering over the cracks so to speak. I need to change my diet and stop replying on the exercise/sport as good as that is cos one day I won't be able to do that or rely on it to keep my weight down. 

I need more of a balanced diet, just need the will power and discipline to do it. 

I feel like the best way to do it is go cold turkey sort of, otherwise you just fall off the wagon. Clear your cupboards, go out and do a shop and hope for the best haha

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4 minutes ago, Danny said:

I feel like the best way to do it is go cold turkey sort of, otherwise you just fall off the wagon. Clear your cupboards, go out and do a shop and hope for the best haha

This is my problem. I'll go to the shops and buy healthy stuff like fruit and veg and that part will be good. Then before i know it I'm down the crisps aisle and I'm in my element xD

I think when I move back home it'll be different. Living on my own gives me the freedom so to have that bit taken away will pay off I think. 

I already eat less red meat (usually lamb) as that was giving me stomach problems. 

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I eat chicken 1-2 times a week, red meat (usually steak) once a week, fish and other seafood 1-2 times a week, usually accompanied with some sort of a salad and rice/mash/fried or baked potatoes. Also usually have pasta once a week, and then an "unhealthy" meal like pizza or a burger and fries once a week, too. Eat fresh fruit almost daily, usually mango and dragon fruit. Rarely eat any crisps (maybe once in two weeks or so) and I don't drink soft drinks at all (only drink water and some coffee). I don't really snack at all, to be fair. Usually have a yoghurt when I get up, then have lunch/dinner as my main meal of the day, and then when I get hungry later in the evening, I eat an open sandwich with rye bread, or some fruit, or something similar.

 I'd say my diet is ok, but I probably drink more beer than I should, haha.

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Get rid of your sugary drinks. I haven't touched soft drink for almost 2 years. I do however have sports drinks when I play soccer. Not needed really and something I want to cut out. I also have stopped with fruit juices. So it's water, tea, coffee or alcohol these days! 

When I was on my pescatarianism I felt better but it took more effort for dinners and stuff.

My diet isn't great now. Mainly alcohol and snacking on corn chips with cheese a few times a week. Probably too many carbs also. 

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37 minutes ago, Toinho said:

Get rid of your sugary drinks. I haven't touched soft drink for almost 2 years. I do however have sports drinks when I play soccer. Not needed really and something I want to cut out. I also have stopped with fruit juices. So it's water, tea, coffee or alcohol these days! 

When I was on my pescatarianism I felt better but it took more effort for dinners and stuff.

My diet isn't great now. Mainly alcohol and snacking on corn chips with cheese a few times a week. Probably too many carbs also. 

You forget I've recently seen you in person....just joking my slim friend.

I don't drink soft drinks at home which is actually a big step, but if I eat out I'll have a Coke or if I go cinema I'll have a Coke, so that's where I need to cut it.

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In terms of fast food I'm good. I can live without it.

My problem is meal deals and diet coke during the day. My portion control in evening meals isn't good either.

I'm committing to a month without fizzy drinks or diet coke in May as I think it will do me the world of good.

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1 hour ago, Danny said:

You forget I've recently seen you in person....just joking my slim friend.

I don't drink soft drinks at home which is actually a big step, but if I eat out I'll have a Coke or if I go cinema I'll have a Coke, so that's where I need to cut it.

We had many liquid breads that night mate! I was fucking even more woeful than normal at Cricket the next day 😂😂

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7 hours ago, Toinho said:

We had many liquid breads that night mate! I was fucking even more woeful than normal at Cricket the next day 😂😂

The fact you even played cricket was a bit too much for me, I definitely woke up at midday 

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3 minutes ago, Teso dos Bichos said:

:x Mango :x


Yep, I love it too :D We have two mango harvest seasons here, one in April/May, just before the pre-monsoon rains, and that's the best time because that's when the best variety of mangoes (called Keo Chen) are ripe - they are extremely aromatic and syrupy-sweet :x the other harvest is around October/November, and those varieties are usually a bit sour, so perfect for mango and shrimp salad :x

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I'm doing pretty well at the moment. Want to put on some weight so eating a lot of chicken and general protein without resorting to kegs of whey protein. Also good motivation to keep me off ready meals and takeaways.

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Generally alright I guess, considering that I do basically zero physical activity except a bit of walking on my way to uni and I'm not too badly out of shape. I don't eat a load of meat, hardly anything fried, not much bread, get a decent mix of veg, have oats and fruit for my breakfast every day, and I allow myself a pizza once a week as a treat. 

It also helps that with exams and assignments I've had basically no social life for 3 months, so I've had hardly any beer except the odd one watching the football. 

Once exams are done I'm definitely gonna make some little adjustments like cutting sweets and  trimming my meal portions, and try get back into jogging. I was actually in decent shape for the first time in my life last autumn when I got back from Denmark, and the only reason that changed was letting uni stress bring back some bad habits. 

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My diet isn't great. Partly because I work long hours till late at night but also because I don't plan ahead enough. Last night i had cerial for dinner. Hoping to get in the habit of eating more healthily gradually by making salads because they require no effort when I come back from work. I have noticed my bad diet makes me fart a lot xD

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My diet is pretty good. My biggest problem is my girlfriend. She is not as focussed and prepared as me and I tend to buckle when I'm with her and eat unhealthy things. Plus she buys me too many sweets. Clearly trying to drag me down with her xD

My biggest tip for people is food prep. No one wants to be cooking a full on meal every day because we all have lives and there's a lot of times when we just need convenience. That is where it's good if you cook up food in batches and freeze them, like chilli's, curry's and various thing's like that. I usually cook a turkey mince chilli once a fortnight and it makes up 5/6 portions. I also cook a light chicken curry with veg and coconut milk, again, 5/6 portions I get so I don't have to continuously cook.

Also, do not force yourself to eat anything you don't like because you'll never stick with it. I'm not a fish lover and bar Tuna, I won't touch it.

If you have a sweet craving, have a glass of milk. That can sometimes help.

I drink water mainly with two to three hot drinks a day. I put lemon and lime slices in my water to flavour it which helps also. Might be of benefit to some.

Usually porridge with blueberries/raspberries for breakfast every day, and I have salad or Veg at least three times a week. If you find porridge a bit bland, add some cinnamon as this is a fat burner and some berries which are great for you.

When I train (which is twice a week), I usually have poached egg and wholemeal toast to give me more energy. You need your carbs so don't be afraid to have them.

Think of your diet as 21 basic meals a week, 3 a day. It doesn't matter if you have four or five bad one's in the week, as long as there's more good than bad. Still have some treats you like, there is no point cutting them all out because you will only crave them more so allow yourself in moderation.

It's important not to ever get obsessed over it or it will be an uphill slog.


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Started eating a lot healthier and an overall healthier lifestyle for a good 5 years now. 

People confuse weight loss with healthy eating at times. You can literally eat only burgers and chips and still lose weight if you eat below your caloric intake. Is it healthy? Probably not. 


If I were to have a list of tips for anyone who is trying to lose weight and/or eat healthier, please see below. 


1. Understand your caloric intake. I can't stress enough the importance of this. Some people think they can just work out and lose weight. Nutrition is 70% of losing weight. Excercise is 30%. There are various calculators on the web that calculate what your caloric intake needs to be to gain, sustain, or lose weight. Every diet works the same if you eat below your caloric intake. 

2. Introduce more fiber into your diet. Replace white bread with whole grain. Replace white rice with brown rice. If you don't like brown rice, highly recommend Farrow. Taste great and packed with fiber and protein. Essentially, the fiber will help your digestive system and metabolism. Having a high metabolism helps you in the long run, especially keeping weight off. Introducing more fiber also helps fight off the bad cholesterol. I'd also recommend flax seeds. 

3. CARBS ARE YOUR FRIEND. The ongoing motion that carbs will get you fat, is well and truly nonsence. Anything will get you fat if you eat too much of.  There seems to be a viral rumor that have many people fear carbs. Carbs are the fuel that make your body function. As stated in my 1st tip, every diet works if you eat below your caloric intake. Those that say carbs make you gain weight, obviously eat more than they need to. You can be on an all carb diet, and still lose weight if you just eat below your caloric intake.  Personally, I prefer all carb diets when I lose weight. 

4. Get rid of dairy milk and opt for Almond or Cashew milk. Seriously, why are adults still drinking milk? Aside the research that we in fact shouldn't be drinking it, dairy products are heavy in calories and sneak up on you on the scale. Avoid them for Cashew or Almond Milk. Tastier and only 25 calories in a cup. 

5. Take it easy on the meat and eggs. Cholesterol is the number one contributor to heart disease. The egg industry are actually banned to market their products as healthy, as I believe in one egg yolk contains more cholesterol than you need for an entire week. Take this seriously, espeically those that have family history of heart problems. Go vegan for a day. Black bean burgers are fucking awesome. 

6. The most important lesson/tip I ever received, is drink more water. Everyday for 5 years, I've been drinking around 90 oz a water a day. I avoid fizzy drinks at all costs. Because of this, I have more energy throughout the day, a more positive mindset, and basically just always happy. I drink sports drinks such as gatorade and propel during footy, but otherwise I always drink water. I gurantee you won't regret it. 






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2 hours ago, Cicero said:

Started eating a lot healthier and an overall healthier lifestyle for a good 5 years now. 

People confuse weight loss with healthy eating at times. You can literally eat only burgers and chips and still lose weight if you eat below your caloric intake. Is it healthy? Probably not. 


If I were to have a list of tips for anyone who is trying to lose weight and/or eat healthier, please see below. 


1. Understand your caloric intake. I can't stress enough the importance of this. Some people think they can just work out and lose weight. Nutrition is 70% of losing weight. Excercise is 30%. There are various calculators on the web that calculate what your caloric intake needs to be to gain, sustain, or lose weight. Every diet works the same if you eat below your caloric intake. 

2. Introduce more fiber into your diet. Replace white bread with whole grain. Replace white rice with brown rice. If you don't like brown rice, highly recommend Farrow. Taste great and packed with fiber and protein. Essentially, the fiber will help your digestive system and metabolism. Having a high metabolism helps you in the long run, especially keeping weight off. Introducing more fiber also helps fight off the bad cholesterol. I'd also recommend flax seeds. 

3. CARBS ARE YOUR FRIEND. The ongoing motion that carbs will get you fat, is well and truly nonsence. Anything will get you fat if you eat too much of.  There seems to be a viral rumor that have many people fear carbs. Carbs are the fuel that make your body function. As stated in my 1st tip, every diet works if you eat below your caloric intake. Those that say carbs make you gain weight, obviously eat more than they need to. You can be on an all carb diet, and still lose weight if you just eat below your caloric intake.  Personally, I prefer all carb diets when I lose weight. 

4. Get rid of dairy milk and opt for Almond or Cashew milk. Seriously, why are adults still drinking milk? Aside the research that we in fact shouldn't be drinking it, dairy products are heavy in calories and sneak up on you on the scale. Avoid them for Cashew or Almond Milk. Tastier and only 25 calories in a cup. 

5. Take it easy on the meat and eggs. Cholesterol is the number one contributor to heart disease. The egg industry are actually banned to market their products as healthy, as I believe in one egg yolk contains more cholesterol than you need for an entire week. Take this seriously, espeically those that have family history of heart problems. Go vegan for a day. Black bean burgers are fucking awesome. 

6. The most important lesson/tip I ever received, is drink more water. Everyday for 5 years, I've been drinking around 90 oz a water a day. I avoid fizzy drinks at all costs. Because of this, I have more energy throughout the day, a more positive mindset, and basically just always happy. I drink sports drinks such as gatorade and propel during footy, but otherwise I always drink water. I gurantee you won't regret it. 






Out if interest do you mainly drink tap water or mineral?

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3 hours ago, Cicero said:

5. Take it easy on the meat and eggs. Cholesterol is the number one contributor to heart disease. The egg industry are actually banned to market their products as healthy, as I believe in one egg yolk contains more cholesterol than you need for an entire week. Take this seriously, espeically those that have family history of heart problems. 

I agree with most of your post but eating eggs is definitely nothing bad. It does not raise cholesterol in your blood. 

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1 hour ago, Faithcore said:

I agree with most of your post but eating eggs is definitely nothing bad. It does not raise cholesterol in your blood. 

Egg yolk is definitely very bad. Anything that raises serum cholesterol levels is bad.

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On 4/28/2018 at 02:04, Danny said:

Is your diet good, bad or ugly?

Yesterday I woke up late, had "breakfast" at midday which was a $5 burger, fries and drink feed. Then had another soft drink and pack of maltesers as I watched the Avengers film again before finishing the day with a double cheeseburger, fries and a milkshake from Better Burger (which is a healthyish place for burgers). Fair to say not my finest hour or day and Ive felt the effects of it today.

So I'm going mostly veggies this coming week and with meat maybe once or twice a week. Any vegans on here with some tips? As much shit as I give veganism you can't argue with a healthy diet.

Also going to buy meat from butchers rather than from supermarkets and unfortunately eat more fish.

The vegan diet is very risky and not something I'd recommend. In losing protein from meats, you have to up the amounts of nuts and legumes, which contain huge amounts of fat and oil. Also, soy in particular unless fermented is very bad for humans.

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