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Work/Jobs Thread

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Just now, Toinho said:

Ah yeah fuck that. Still in NZ?

Still here mate, in Auckland and will be for most of the year. Just saving up to travel round the south island. Got me third comedy gig on Wednesday in a pub so that'll be fun xD

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Just now, Eco said:

@Danny - Have you spoken to @nudge? She has kind of made a nice little living with online gigs. Just a thought...

Ah when I said online I meant a website like Seek, jobs etc posted on it, agencies advertise on. Will apply for what's on, get my CV to a few agencies on there and then speak with them after and see what occurs.

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10 minutes ago, Danny said:

Still here mate, in Auckland and will be for most of the year. Just saving up to travel round the south island. Got me third comedy gig on Wednesday in a pub so that'll be fun xD

Good luck. The Kiwis are an odd bunch if they’re finding you funny...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Feeling stressed as fuck. Got a telephone interview with Santander for a customer service job on Tuesday, and then a then interview on Friday with a large Scottish commercial law firm for a traineeship (basically, the two-year grad job that qualifies you as a solicitor). 

I used to be pretty cocksure with interviews, since the first 4 professional interviews I ever had to do all resulted in me getting the job. I never did much prep or adjusted my approach since I figured it would be stupid to change a winning formula. But over the last year I've had a few unsuccessful interviews for part-time jobs, and a couple of failed last-stage interviews with law firms for a traineeship, and now I feel stressed over any kind of interview for any kind of job.

I'm constantly torn between doing loads of prep and thinking of how to behave/answer for the kind of company I'm applying to, and just "being myself", since those are the two things people always tell me to do. But when you're a naturally short-sighted, unprepared person, it's hard to do both.

All summer I've just been stressing over my job situation. For the first summer in my life it's been a legit struggle to get a part-time job which makes you feel like a fucking idiot.

Then it gets to the time of year to start looking for grad jobs, and you're thinking of how you're going to get a law firm to hire you when you can't even get a call-back from Tesco after 20 applications.

And it's just annoying because, if next week went perfectly, I'd have a part-time job I could earn a bit of money with as I head into my last year of uni to do my post-grad legal diploma, and a traineeship lined up a year after I finish that. My career situation would be sorted for the next few years, and I could even start saving money rather than using up more of my student finance that I've got stocked up in the account. So close but so bloody far.

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On 21/08/2018 at 17:42, Eco said:

Job opened in my dream company, in my home town (Atlanta). I feel odd since I've only been with my current employer since January, but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity so i did apply. 


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On 31/07/2018 at 00:17, Danny said:

So following on from my last post....has anyone walked out of their job before? :bye:

Had it really, I work 8:30am-5pm but could probably count on one hand the amount of times over the last 5 months that I've finished at or before 5pm. Most days/practically every day doing 15/30 mins overtime, sometimes up to an hour. Every Monday I've worked through my lunch to then do more overtime at the end of the day. I've probably got the most unapproachable manager I've ever had. Got a bollocking today over not informing a customer that they'd have to wait an extra day to get their deal done because I was on the phone till 5pm pretty much dealing with shit from someone else and thought at 5:15pm fuck this, I'm going home. The concern wasn't about being overworked or overstressed, just that the customer knows it'll be late xD

To cut a long story short, I had an email exchange with my boss which was essentially I don't care if the customer isn't aware, I was busy and then I decided not to do more overtime than I already do. That was followed by a meeting in which I was called disrespectful and unprofessional because when I was late to work I told the 2IC that I was late and not her (you'd think they communicate xD) and was told I was wrong over what was said in the emails. 10 minutes later I walked out and am currently unemployed...though have money saved and will have another job soon enough as I'm confident enough in finding another.


Weird to hear people complain about doing a bit of overtime... I mean in the grand scheme of things putting in a bit extra for your job is sometimes part and parcel of working... If the job sucks in other respects then it's time to move on obviously but I see and hear this type of thing a lot from younger people where they believe that they should only work the exact amount of minutes the company pays them for and not a second more... I have someone I work with who keeps getting passed over for promotion because he thinks it's his right as he has been there a long time, well it doesn't work like that.. I keep telling him, he has the skills but lacks the dedication and effort to use them wisely... He expects everything to fall in his lap without having to make any effort at all. 

I hear it a lot from my Daughters boyfriend as well who moans and groans pretty much all the time about getting home a bit later from his job and yet claims he wants to progress in the company? He can't have it both ways... either you show some dedication to the job or you don't and either way if I am not the one doing it then obviously it's no skin off my nose which one he picks but he needs to stop complaining... 

Such a huge difference in what I used to put in when I was younger and what younger people think is hard these days... When I moved off of nights when I used to work at Safeway's back in the day my hours changed a lot.. I was getting up at 4.30am each morning to get to work for 6am then I would still be there at 10pm sorting out the night crew and roll home at around 11:15pm each night much to my other half's disappointment... I did them hours for 3 years!!! so as you can imagine I find it laughable when people moan about staying 15 minutes or having to go in a bit earlier or stay a bit later... 

I appreciate that times are different now and maybe the working mentality has changed and don't get me wrong I don't believe that people should be doing excessive hours, When I was doing all them hours it meant I missed out on the kids growing up during that time but then we needed the money and it was part of the job responsibility when I got promoted..  If I could do it all again though I will admit I would cull those hours right back so I had more family time it's my only regret really but then I had kids and not being around to help out sometimes made me feel a bit bad but the Mrs and me always talked about any promotions or positions before I took them so we always walked into it eyes wide open so to speak... 

Modern youth and young adults need to toughen up a bit... I laugh in the face of your distress.. 

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2 minutes ago, Bluewolf said:


Weird to hear people complain about doing a bit of overtime... I mean in the grand scheme of things putting in a bit extra for your job is sometimes part and parcel of working... If the job sucks in other respects then it's time to move on obviously but I see and hear this type of thing a lot from younger people where they believe that they should only work the exact amount of minutes the company pays them for and not a second more... I have someone I work with who keeps getting passed over for promotion because he thinks it's his right as he has been there a long time, well it doesn't work like that.. I keep telling him, he has the skills but lacks the dedication and effort to use them wisely... He expects everything to fall in his lap without having to make any effort at all. 

I hear it a lot from my Daughters boyfriend as well who moans and groans pretty much all the time about getting home a bit later from his job and yet claims he wants to progress in the company? He can't have it both ways... either you show some dedication to the job or you don't and either way if I am not the one doing it then obviously it's no skin off my nose which one he picks but he needs to stop complaining... 

Such a huge difference in what I used to put in when I was younger and what younger people think is hard these days... When I moved off of nights when I used to work at Safeway's back in the day my hours changed a lot.. I was getting up at 4.30am each morning to get to work for 6am then I would still be there at 10pm sorting out the night crew and roll home at around 11:15pm each night much to my other half's disappointment... I did them hours for 3 years!!! so as you can imagine I find it laughable when people moan about staying 15 minutes or having to go in a bit earlier or stay a bit later... 

I appreciate that times are different now and maybe the working mentality has changed and don't get me wrong I don't believe that people should be doing excessive hours, When I was doing all them hours it meant I missed out on the kids growing up during that time but then we needed the money and it was part of the job responsibility when I got promoted..  If I could do it all again though I will admit I would cull those hours right back so I had more family time it's my only regret really but then I had kids and not being around to help out sometimes made me feel a bit bad but the Mrs and me always talked about any promotions or positions before I took them so we always walked into it eyes wide open so to speak... 

Modern youth and young adults need to toughen up a bit... I laugh in the face of your distress.. 

You make some valid points regarding promotions and if I were after progress in a company then overtime would be one way to do that. But I'm a backpacker with no family responsibilities out to enjoy myself on the otherside of the world, not progress within a company that even down to management level couldn't give a toss about me as long as their customers aren't moaning at them. I work the hours I'm contracted to and then I go home, if I'm forced to constantly do overtime in a job I don't really like where I'm not respected then I'm going to find something new.

I know there are people out there who would scoff at me mentioning having to work what is essentially 3-4 hours overtime per week, people who work 60, 70, 80+ hours in a week and they may think I need to toughen up but I just think they're mugs with no lives. Because you can't have a life if work is it and if doing all of that means you get to have a mortgage or a fancy car then someone's mugging you off somewhere. I have no child, no wife, no house to have to pay for, so I also have no patience for shit jobs trying to mug me off with overtime regardless of how much or how little.

I've worked night shifts cleaning shit from toilets straight through weekends, have worked on the bins (4:30am wake up, 6:00am start), have worked in warehouses, factories, call centres and building sites. Done all of those jobs that are best described as mundane but if I can come home from work and some ask how it was, and can just respond "it was work" rather than a load of bitching about a manager or some twat then right now I'll be very happy. But life is too short to handcuff yourself to a shit job on shit hours.

And if you throw somewhere into that mix a family member committing suicide a few weeks prior to walking out of your job then that probably explains the irritability about it too.

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1 hour ago, Danny said:

You make some valid points regarding promotions and if I were after progress in a company then overtime would be one way to do that. But I'm a backpacker with no family responsibilities out to enjoy myself on the otherside of the world, not progress within a company that even down to management level couldn't give a toss about me as long as their customers aren't moaning at them. I work the hours I'm contracted to and then I go home, if I'm forced to constantly do overtime in a job I don't really like where I'm not respected then I'm going to find something new.

I know there are people out there who would scoff at me mentioning having to work what is essentially 3-4 hours overtime per week, people who work 60, 70, 80+ hours in a week and they may think I need to toughen up but I just think they're mugs with no lives. Because you can't have a life if work is it and if doing all of that means you get to have a mortgage or a fancy car then someone's mugging you off somewhere. I have no child, no wife, no house to have to pay for, so I also have no patience for shit jobs trying to mug me off with overtime regardless of how much or how little.

I've worked night shifts cleaning shit from toilets straight through weekends, have worked on the bins (4:30am wake up, 6:00am start), have worked in warehouses, factories, call centres and building sites. Done all of those jobs that are best described as mundane but if I can come home from work and some ask how it was, and can just respond "it was work" rather than a load of bitching about a manager or some twat then right now I'll be very happy. But life is too short to handcuff yourself to a shit job on shit hours.

And if you throw somewhere into that mix a family member committing suicide a few weeks prior to walking out of your job then that probably explains the irritability about it too.

Firstly sorry to hear about that mate, I was not aware of that... secondly I am only playing with you.. Everyone moans about their job.. just in one of them moods today I guess.. forgive me, it all probably sounded a bit overly harsh

My son manages to work part time hours and gets away with it and good luck to him.. wish I could have done that but then like you he has no serious commitments to anything and you are right, too much work and not enough play makes for a dull life.. In a lot of ways it's not worth slogging your guts out in a dead end unappreciated job.. It's only money at the end of the day, if you wake up in the morning and you are not looking forward to work then it's time to move on and find something else.. 

When you are older and you look back on your working time, the hours and the graft you put in over the years it does make you wonder... I don't regret it on one hand as it taught me a lot about myself... How far I could push myself when needed all to put some food on the table and clothes on the kids backs, In my early years I did all sorts from building sites to communications and put the hours in on every one them and although it was a different time with different rules the effort put in still remains the same... I don't talk about work or how my day was when I get home anymore at the end of the day.. Once it's over as far as I am concerned that is a closed book... 

Edited by Bluewolf
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25 minutes ago, Bluewolf said:

Firstly sorry to hear about that mate, I was not aware of that... secondly I am only playing with you.. Everyone moans about their job.. just in one of them moods today I guess.. forgive me, it all probably sounded a bit overly harsh

My son manages to work part time hours and gets away with it and good luck to him.. wish I could have done that but then like you he has no serious commitments to anything and you are right, too much work and not enough play makes for a dull life.. In a lot of ways it's not worth slogging your guts out in a dead end unappreciated job.. It's only money at the end of the day, if you wake up in the morning and you are not looking forward to work then it's time to move on and find something else.. 

When you are older and you look back on your working time, the hours and the graft you put in over the years it does make you wonder... I don't regret it on one hand as it taught me a lot about myself... How far I could push myself when needed all to put some food on the table and clothes on the kids backs, In my early years I did all sorts from building sites to communications and put the hours in on every one them and although it was a different time with different rules the effort put in still remains the same... I don't talk about work or how my day was when I get home anymore at the end of the day.. Once it's over as far as I am concerned that is a closed book... 

In fairness mate I have a habit of  taking things at face value instead of reading between the lines 😂

Thats it, I'd rather not come home from work to complain about work but once I start doing that it generally means I need a new job.

I imagine your outlook becomes a lot more serious once you get kids involved, overtimes almost worth it when it pays for your kids holidays, clothes etc

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1 hour ago, Smiley Culture said:

Massive kick-off at work about Christmas shifts. I feel like this really shows the difference between people who are teamwork orientated and those who aren’t. 

We have the same problem due to the shift patterns... each year the 'end of year party' because we are not allowed to call it the 'Xmas party' anymore falls on one shift or the other an for the last 2 years it's fallen kindly for the other shift which means our shift get all the crap.. It does not help that when they have this party they give the whole night shift the night off and we have to try and get 24 hours of work fitting into 12 hours on days.. they worked so fucking hard last year it was joke trying to squeeze all that in.. and muggins here was still there at 9pm waiting for the last lorry to turn up, there was only me and security on site... I should have robbed the gaf and split the proceeds with the security bloke...  :ph34r:

1 hour ago, Danny said:

In fairness mate I have a habit of  taking things at face value instead of reading between the lines 😂

Thats it, I'd rather not come home from work to complain about work but once I start doing that it generally means I need a new job.

I imagine your outlook becomes a lot more serious once you get kids involved, overtimes almost worth it when it pays for your kids holidays, clothes etc

Sometimes it's question of having to do it rather than always wanting to do it... The amount of times I thought about having a day off or getting home a bit earlier was untold, you get tired after a while of the slog and need a bit of time away from the grind but when you need to be keeping on top of the bills and what not you tend to drive on and push through it for the greater good... 

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On 24/08/2018 at 13:22, Berserker said:

Congrats, what will be the new position mate?, and what happened with your supervisor?

Stopped getting along, plus he was on a much much higher wage mate. The new position is a supervisor for our outbound department. Lead around 15 people in the department, better pay too.

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Took my first day off today since about September last year. Haven’t been feeling the best. Mystery illness at the moment. Missed a fun day at work it seems as some students got suspended. No complaints here really just posting. 

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4 hours ago, Toinho said:

Took my first day off today since about September last year. Haven’t been feeling the best. Mystery illness at the moment. Missed a fun day at work it seems as some students got suspended. No complaints here really just posting. 

When you phoned in sick did you do the sick voice that goes with it??? 

One of the most enjoyable things ever is taking a phone call from someone who is blowing out on some fake illness or injury and they create this soft fake phone voice to make it sound like they are on deaths door or something... I let them tell me whats wrong as they explain they hurt their leg or knocked their arm or something and then I ask them what's wrong with their voice??? You normally get a bit of a silent pause from them while they process that in their head before saying.. "nothing" and suddenly their voice is back to normal... 


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