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Been two years out now since I've torn my ACL and Meniscus. Just recently started training getting ready for a Sunday summer league. Using weight training, squats, leg press, bench, and core workouts. 

For endurance, I am currently using this App called ZombieRun. Fantastic. Actually motivates me to run more often considering its entertainment factor. Perfect for football conditioning considering there are moments where you have intervals of sprints (where zombies are near you) and back to a normal steady pace jog (when you escape the zombies). You can adjust it to your liking so FIIT training works perfectly. 

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Been running twice a week since the start of the year. Started at 3kms I can now run 8kms no stop or water without too much trouble so long as I pace myself. I go to my local Parkrun most Saturdays with a couple of friends. It's a 5km timed run, heaps of fun adding the competitive edge to it. The courses are very hill oriented as well, real challenge some weeks when it's humid. My best time so far is 26 minutes on the dot, I expect to crack sub 25 before June or so.

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I'm a lazy kunt. Used to be able to run 4k but a lot has changed since then. Shame really, all my motivation is dead because why the fuck should I put in the effort if my wife doesn't?

We went to the gym for like two months but the commute was too much and it was just too $$$.

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3 hours ago, Spike said:

I'm a lazy kunt. Used to be able to run 4k but a lot has changed since then. Shame really, all my motivation is dead because why the fuck should I put in the effort if my wife doesn't?

We went to the gym for like two months but the commute was too much and it was just too $$$.


Feels good being better than the peasants. Convince wifey to do the same.

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21 minutes ago, Tanksie said:


Feels good being better than the peasants. Convince wifey to do the same.

It's harder for her though, mate. She has diabetes and going for a run can just end up over within a minute if she has a low blood sugar episode, it's happened in the past; I've had to run back to the house or a nearby store and get candy. She also has flat feet and refuses to get orthotics.

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  • 1 month later...

With just over 3 weeks to Orlando I've been hitting the gym twice per day. Currently down 11lbs in the space of 13 days.

Doing HIIT in the morning and weight training at night. It's brutal, i'm exhaused although the difference I can already tell in my body is completely worth the brutal schedule.

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Schedule has been brutal recently. Playing tennis 4-5 times a week, plus I'm still running in the morning.

This week I have:

Monday - Ran 4 miles
Tuesday -Ran 4 Miles + Tennis Practice
Wednesday - Tennis Match (lasted 2.5 hours)
Thursday - Tennis match tonight at 7:30.


I may do absolutely nothing tomorrow.

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Put a bit of weight back on over Xmas but started training and eating properly again 2 weeks back, feel class already and can see a difference particularly in my shoulders, looking big again. Starting my job in January in an environment where I'm sat on my arse all day and there's people baking cakes and taking chocolates in every day doesn't help. Slipped back out of those habits again though.

Need to make sure that after my holiday I get back into it rather than stay in relaxation mode for months.

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I dont workout a lot, I try to play pickup football 2-3 times a week which gets me about 5 miles running per session, that is all I do. I try to hit the gym some days just to stretch my body, but nothing serious on the weights and muscle building.

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  • 7 months later...

Back on it after giving myself three weeks off over the Christmas period eating and drinking what I want with no exercise. Put on an inch and a half on my waist as a result but then I only weigh 78.5kg anyway. It's not a horrendous result but still enough I can feel the difference.

Walked back into the gym today and blew the cobwebs away. Always feels nice after you've been and gives you a kick up the arse. I'm pretty good with keeping to my diet the last two years so I've upped the water intake and reduced the refined sugars. Hoping to slim back down to what I was then maintain and tone for the rest of the year. No interest in being a beefcake, I can't pack all the calories away daily so just want to stay lean.

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Not been the gym in about a month but not too arsed due to it being Christmas. Been in on Saturday to extend my membership three more months and going after work tomorrow. Also going to start training soon for the 85 mile walk around the island I'm hoping to finish in June.

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Been playing futsal earlier in December but had to quit due to aching pataller tendonitis on my left knee. Went to my doctor and told me it formed due to my quads, glutes, and IT bands being very weak and stiff. Which makes sense as after I tore my ACL, I haven't been really doing any leg rehabilitation. 

Been currently going to the gym 3 times a week getting ready for sping/summer football leagues. Doing cardio on the bike (Monday and Friday) to improve fitness levels and get some more muscle in my legs. Wednesdays are strictly leg workouts to increase overall strength. Tuesdays and Thursdays are ab workouts with my ab wheel. 

Just hoping come April, I can complete a full season of football. 


Edited by Cicero
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  • 11 months later...
  • The title was changed to Health and Fitness
  • 5 months later...
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Anyone has any suggestions for a workout that does not put much load on the knees? I have a bad knee that has gotten significantly worse recently so I can't really do any running and most of my regular bodyweight exercises etc. I know swimming is great and very easy on the joints but it's not an option at the moment.

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12 minutes ago, Rick said:

@nudge I was just coming in here to ask the same question. I've got a glass knee and I'm needing some suggestions on what to do. Swimming isn't an option for me either.

I tried sticking with just walking for at least an hour a day + some of the regular exercise I normally do (but limited to upper body + some simple leg lifts etc.) but it's just not very motivating (not to mention that I end up walking to the shop and getting a sixpack of beer xD ). Considering cycling now; apparently it's not too bad as long as the terrain is flat so it doesn't put too much load on the knee... Either that or an elliptical but I hate gym so I'd rather cycle outside to be fair.

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12 minutes ago, nudge said:

I tried sticking with just walking for at least an hour a day + some of the regular exercise I normally do (but limited to upper body + some simple leg lifts etc.) but it's just not very motivating (not to mention that I end up walking to the shop and getting a sixpack of beer xD ). Considering cycling now; apparently it's not too bad as long as the terrain is flat so it doesn't put too much load on the knee... Either that or an elliptical but I hate gym so I'd rather cycle outside to be fair.

What about an exercise bike or rowing machine? they don't engage the knee to much.

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3 minutes ago, MUFC said:

What about an exercise bike or rowing machine? they don't engage the knee to much.

I just really hate gyms... xD 

I could get an exercise bike for home though. Not sure if it would be much better than just simple cycling outside? Much prefer working out outside whenever it's possible.

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4 hours ago, Rick said:

@nudge I was just coming in here to ask the same question. I've got a glass knee and I'm needing some suggestions on what to do. Swimming isn't an option for me either.


Squatting is the king of leg lifts and with good form it doesn't load up the knee.


I'm currently studying fitness at uni, and training at uni 3 days a week. I'm also at my local gym 3 days a week for between an hour and 2 hours a session. 

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I've managed to lose a bit of weight over the spring. Not sure how much, but just from around the face and ribs etc I can tell. Makes sense since I upped the running and ate better since winter. Also less pints. 

I could lose a little more flab here and there still but I can live with that, so for first time since high school I've started doing a bit of strength instead of cardio. Just lifts and squats with some light dumbbells and some push-ups, but I feel like there's a slight difference around the arms and shoulders. 

Not sure if I'd want to sign up at a gym and go further with it. I wouldn't be bothered about building any real muscle, just get a bit more definition. 

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3 minutes ago, Inverted said:

I've managed to lose a bit of weight over the spring. Not sure how much, but just from around the face and ribs etc I can tell. Makes sense since I upped the running and ate better since winter. Also less pints. 

I could lose a little more flab here and there still but I can live with that, so for first time since high school I've started doing a bit of strength instead of cardio. Just lifts and squats with some light dumbbells and some push-ups, but I feel like there's a slight difference around the arms and shoulders. 

Not sure if I'd want to sign up at a gym and go further with it. I wouldn't be bothered about building any real muscle, just get a bit more definition. 


You get definition buy building muscle and losing body fat. The media likes to use the word 'toning' but it doesn't actually exist. If you're just after a more athletic look it's not too hard to achieve though.


I am chonky as fuck now after a few good months of lifting. I was 60-65 kgs for years, until I hit the gym hard last year. I was 62kgs then, now I'm 74kgs, much more swole, and a little bit thicc. Might do a cut around September.

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1 minute ago, Devil-Dick Willie said:


You get definition buy building muscle and losing body fat. The media likes to use the word 'toning' but it doesn't actually exist. If you're just after a more athletic look it's not too hard to achieve though.


I am chonky as fuck now after a few good months of lifting. I was 60-65 kgs for years, until I hit the gym hard last year. I was 62kgs then, now I'm 74kgs, much more swole, and a little bit thicc. Might do a cut around September.


Yeah im still doing most of my old cardio alongside the strength. I just hit a point where I realised my arms looked weirdly thin and I knew it would just get worse the more weight I lost if I didn't do a little work on them. 

My body type seems to be quite lanky by nature. Weight gathers mostly in the middle and the limbs stay relatively skinny. My aim is pretty much to keep my weight at a point where any excess around the midriff is minor, and my arms and shoulders look a bit more proportionate. Maybe a wee bit more thighs and arse too. 

Thicc is in these days, lean into it. 


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