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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak

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13 hours ago, IgnisExcubitor said:

Can't be @Mel81x. There's more chance of you and me doing it, maybe @Asura  . Those are the only Hindus here. 

 But on a serious note, those idiots are known idiots who often do these shitty stunts after calling the media to cover them to get their 15 mins of fame. And the media obliges. Most people don't drink it. Only few idiots like him do. And cow dung is used as fuel in methane gases in villages, which are also on the decrease now with more and more LPG gas connections.


Yeah, read that about inflammatories. 

I don't think @nudge and I were speaking on Turmeric for Corona. But normal colds and sore throats. Though turmeric might help make your immune system stronger. Also, garlic.


Where I am from (the south), we dont even take cows really that serious and its urine is way far off to even consider lol. 

This whole cow worship is mainly in some of the northern parts of India is what I feel, especially in and around the states of UP, Rajasthan, Delhi, Bihar etc. Im not even sure if its that big in Gujarat where Modi is from.

Edited by Asura
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Coronavirus: Boris Johnson to hold daily press conferences on outbreak after accusations government is ‘complacent and behind’

Boris Johnson has agreed to hold daily televised press conferences to update the public about the fight against coronavirus, following a wave of criticism relating to the government’s approach to the pandemic.

Opposition parties had demanded the daily updates and accused the prime minister of being “complacent and behind” after a weekend of confusion about the government’s plans to order all over-70s to quarantine themselves. Thirty-five people in Britain have died out of 1,372 who have tested positive as of yesterday, according to the Department of Health.

Downing Street caused a furore after it briefed out the life-changing policy affecting more than 6 million people to select journalists, but made no official announcement – sowing confusion.

The health secretary, Matt Hancock, further inflamed the situation on Sunday after he went on TV and confirmed the plan was indeed government policy, only to refuse to divulge any details about when it would happen or how it would work. 


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10 hours ago, Inverted said:

I want to trust the government but my composure regarding our strategy is wearing thin. 

I feel like I vaguely understand the idea - delay the peak, but also get enough cases out of the way in time for winter when the situation could get a whole level worse, while protecting those who are really vulnerable. 

But I don't think it's been clearly communicated. We have ministers drip-feeding rationales and potential future measures to journos through unnamed sources, and then this news being put out behind paywalls. We have people hinting at herd immunity, and others saying it's totally irrelevant. 

And I think that when your expert advice leads you to a conclusion which basically involves doing the least amount of work, and it seems to contradict the advice in every other country, there is an added burden to clearly articulate your reasons, and to explain why you don't feel the measures taken elsewhere are correct. 


There’s a daily briefing coming as you don’t know what’s what with our media, too many sourceless pieces 

8 hours ago, Stan said:

Good to read.

Not sure if I'm being stupid but I thought sneezing wasn't a symptom of this strain of virus and he mentions that the early parts of the illness she had involved sneezing.

It's a worry that they'd stopped testing? Is that a way of trying to keep case numbers down!?

Nadine Dories wrote about her experiences also her mother other 70 has it. I’ll tag the pics at the end as that’s behind a paywall 

7 hours ago, Inverted said:

I'm starting to think it's very prevalent now in the UK.

Yesterday we were at less than 100 cases in all of Scotland, and since then it's come out that there's 3 confirmed cases at Glasgow Uni, a confirmed case at Strathclyde University, and 6 confirmed cases at a carehome just outside Glasgow. So that's all just around one city, revealed by a small amount of testing. 

I'm pretty sure there's a carrier in most universities, colleges and large workplaces. 

They said 10,000 cases I’d double it tbh

7 hours ago, Danny said:

Love how the big chains are selling out yet you go to any corner shop, any mini-supermarket that’s Asian or Polish owned and their shelves are stocked and ready to go yet you know most of those Costco shoppers wouldn’t even think to go to these places.

I went to the pharmacy for calpol Friday and they had it, no supermarket did. 

solution for older people is the return of the milk man, milk bread, eggs etc 




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Currently at 24 in Bosnia, all schools, uni's day cares closed. Obviously the big gatherings are cancelled. We are considering to close everything apart the essential, like food markets etc. Only one person died in Albania from the region close to mine. Not including Italy obviously.

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1 hour ago, True Blue said:

Only one thing is certain, at the first modern pandemic we failed as an society. People buying far more supplies than they need with little to zero concern about others. Our "leaders" failed to stop the spread because they cared very little. 

This isn't the only time it happens in the UK. People stockpile when there's the slightest amount of snow as well. 

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25 minutes ago, Harvsky said:

They're only testing people who may need to be hospitalised at the minute I believe. 

The lady confirmed she had tested positive on our local FB group - didn't know she had it, said the virus 'isn't that bad' and she wouldn't have known she had it if it wasn't for her pneumonia. Said she's feeling fine.

Of all the stories about surviving it and coping with it, the worrying thing at the moment for me is people not knowing they have it. Not through any fault of their own, just that they can contract it without feeling symptoms for days.

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1 hour ago, True Blue said:

Knowing how easy it is transmitted there could be millions infected already, no way it is only 160k with all the travels and people in general being dicks and being careless.

I've heard countless stories of people here who are at home with severe symptoms who cannot get tested. At this point I just assume the number of infected is many times higher than the official government numbers.

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48 minutes ago, Panflute said:

I've heard countless stories of people here who are at home with severe symptoms who cannot get tested. At this point I just assume the number of infected is many times higher than the official government numbers.

It will be the same all over the place either because they don't actually know the true numbers due to not having the resource to check everyone or that they are worried that releasing the actual numbers will just increase the panic... Just got off the phone to my mate who's mum works at St Helier hospital who said that they have treated over 200 people that have it so far but the actual reported was just 6 

In a lot of respects I can understand not wanting to let everyone know the true scale of the problem because of what is going on now on the streets and people will panic, it's in their nature to fear the unknown but this is also exacerbated by lack of information from the Government or worse their total lack of resources to deal with the situation, The NHS is already badly underfunded as it is over here and adding thousands more people needing treatment in such a short space of time is just a recipe for disaster.. I am pretty sure this has been the pattern all over the world

Edited by Bluewolf
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UK Government have announced fines of £1k or be detained if you refuse self-isolation. 


I wonder how long it'll be before people class this as a tax or something stupid like that. 

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34 minutes ago, Bluebird Hewitt said:

UK Government have announced fines of £1k or be detained if you refuse self-isolation. 


I wonder how long it'll be before people class this as a tax or something stupid like that. 

$50,000 and potential jail time up to 12 months in my state. 

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