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How Good Are You At Football?

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What position do you play? What are you good at? What's your style of play? Etc.

Ill leave this thread to you guys. My brother is good at footy but I'm utter wank. I'm convinced there isn't a worse footballer on the planet than me.

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I was pretty good...  I only played Sunday League level for years but I did have a trial at Arsenal when I was 9 years old. Played central midfield for most of my years at Sunday League level.  Towards the end after breaking my left ankle in four different places in a nasty tackle I received I then returned to play in central defence but messed up my knee.  Haven't played in almost 10 years now though.  I love going to watch infant level football when I've got the time and am already showing my son his first steps in the sport.

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5 minutes ago, SirBalon said:

I was pretty good...  I only played Sunday League level for years but I did have a trial at Arsenal when I was 9 years old. Played central midfield for most of my years at Sunday League level.  Towards the end after breaking my left ankle in four different places in a nasty tackle I received I then returned to play in central defence but messed up my knee.  Haven't played in almost 10 years now though.  I love going to watch infant level football when I've got the time and am already showing my son his first steps in the sport.

Are you a Spaniard tiki taka man or do you live by the English long ball? You can only choose one :ph34r:

(even though the Peruvian tiki taka is the original ;) )

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Was best at CB but most enjoyed playing LB. Loved to make marauding runs into the forward line, and could capably cross with my left but favoured cutting inside to shoot. I don't think there was any other defender in the league that got as far forward as me and was involved in as many chances. It was what our team needed though as most players were very static and easy to defend against.

If you picked a hundred random people off the street i might be in the best 5 footballers. But if you picked 100 people who played football I'd likely be in the bottom 20.

Haven't played in 5 years now. I like the idea of going back to it though as it makes the winter season more fun, but realistically couldn't give away one day of every weekend now I have a 2 year old.

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2 hours ago, Blue said:

Are you a Spaniard tiki taka man or do you live by the English long ball? You can only choose one :ph34r:

(even though the Peruvian tiki taka is the original ;) )

Very very tiki-taka with an excellent midrange pass and very good long range one.  I was also very good at reading how to arrive late to score.

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Striker. Love the spectacular kind of goals. Volleys, long-rangers. Can be quite wasteful but when it comes off it's fucking amazing. Not as quick as I used to be due to vastly unhealthy eating habits xD

Played Sunday League from U7 all the way up to U18 for 2 different clubs. Loved playing so often and so regularly and one of the things I miss the most from childhood and growing up. Went to uni and such a different crowd but only ended up playing once a week and nothing too serious. Then never took it back up again after uni for a while. Only play with work these days.

Funnily enough, when I first started playing at 8, I was in goal and after a couple of years, was the tallest in the team so manager pushed me up to defence. So then played CB and ended up only conceding 12 goals all season in the top local division and going that season unbeaten. Then went to left-back as we had none in the team. Never the kind of guy who had stamina and when I moved to a different club they needed a striker so have played there for most teams since. Not the most skilful player when on the pitch but usually quite aware and intelligent, so to speak, so use that to my advantage to get past players. Oh and love a good slide tackle whether I get the ball or not :whistling:

Best thing about playing football is when it's chucking it down, on the grass (not astro turf) and you can get proper stuck in during the game and in to tackles. Always been the kind of player with the attitude that whatever happens on the pitch stays on the pitch and is part of the game. All good fun at the end of the day.

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8 hours ago, Cannabis said:

I'd say I'm pretty good when it comes to football. As most of you will know I'm a goalkeeper and during the 2007/08 season was signed with Everton Football Club as part of their academy program. Most notably being a team-mate of a lad named Adam Davies who's now the first choice goalkeeper at Barnsley. I've also had trials with Manchester City and Wigan Atletic but never signed on the dotted line. 

I played Sunday League football for three clubs; Seneley & Garswood, Ashton Athletic and Garswood United. I loved Sunday League football but sadly can't do it anymore as it clashes with my season ticket at Everton, I did juggle the two of them during my final year with Garswood United but missed too many games in the season to justify my selection and at the end of that year decided to walk away. 

I also played for my school as you might imagine, our primary school was untouchable funnily enough so I've got a cabinet full of medals, it's actually brilliant to look back on them now that I'm all grown up. I was also captain of my high school in Years 10 & 11 which was quite a proud time for me, it's a strange yet brilliant feeling to be the leader of your peers. I'd say that was a big achievement for me.

Nowadays, I'm doing the usual six-a-side with a few friends to keep fit and still play the game, it's a proper league but nothing too serious. Chances our this is as far as I'll go with football but I'll never fully close the door on a Sunday League return.

this. when I moved in to my new place there's a cupboard with glass doors hanging on the back wall which has all my trophies in. I sometimes wish I'd taken football more seriously as a result but I had so much enjoyment and success when playing. Nice to be a bit nostalgic and reminisce about those winning days though!

What made you stop at Everton?

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I was spectacularly average. I was never the best player, the most technical or the most gifted player but I just went out and tried to do the basics as well as possible. 

I played a bit of Sunday League as a kid then stopped when I was at college because I worked a Sunday and I've never really got back into it, though I did have a year playing the other year. 

I just don't care about playing sport competively anymore if I'm honest. 

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11 minutes ago, Smiley Culture said:

I was spectacularly average. I was never the best player, the most technical or the most gifted player but I just went out and tried to do the basics as well as possible. 

I played a bit of Sunday League as a kid then stopped when I was at college because I worked a Sunday and I've never really got back into it, though I did have a year playing the other year. 

I just don't care about playing sport competively anymore if I'm honest. 

I played for a Saturday League reserve team a while back, as far down the Saturday League as you could probably get. I was by no means a Lionel Messi but what put me off was that I was good enough to play over a couple of the starting 11, or at least share equal pitch time yet I never really got a fair go. If they didn't play the same team that had been together for a few years beforehand, he'd just play his son whenever he go the chance. Played this one lad over me who literally couldn't run his knee was that fucked but because he was "one of the boys" I never got a chance.

The most I played in one match was about 80 mins against one of the lesser sides in the division. Played right back, probably made more tackles than most but pulled up in cramp towards the end because of the sesh I was on the night before not expecting to play at all. Ended up just quiting in the end because I'd turn up to a game and they'd take my Saturday morning/afternoon, just watching a bunch of lads play football and not getting a look in.

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Played at RW for many years in school and college before getting into a terrible knee accident on a trip up in the mountains. Since then I've limited myself to playing for the company at corporate tournaments as it acts up quite a bit and is terribly painful for a few days before it subsides. 

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3 minutes ago, Cannabis said:

I think anyone that manages to stay sober in Scotland is considered good enough for Queen of the South :ph34r:.

consequently this was the reason the trial never amounted to anything for our Harv. He was too sober. 

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49 minutes ago, Faithcore said:

@Tsubasa I think this thread is a sign.

You should finally unveil your real identity to the forum!


I don't know what you're talking about :ph34r:


Kannst du mal ruhig sein??? Muss doch nicht jeder wissen!!! >:(

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Never good enough to play professionally but more than adequate for a 'mate's level'.

I am a defensive player with a good eye for a pass. I don't play Saturday league 11 a side anymore but when I did it was RB. It bored me that too many games resulted in hoofing and not enough playing. I also seemed to get targeted by cloggers for being quite a slight person. To be fair, if I was lining up against me, I'd fancy a 50/50 against me in all because I don't look the imposing type. But appearance can be deceiving and I do get stuck in.

I play 5 a side only now. My main assets being my energy levels (one of the fittest there) and I'm good defensively. I mark players tight by making them play with their back to goal and always try to force them on their weaker foot. I have a good knack for timing my tackles too. 

There are people that play that have no defensive brain which frustrates me but it's also a compliment to me for being a good reader of the game. I can pick a good range of pass too but shooting is incredibly hit and miss. Let's just say 2 out of 10 shots end on target but those two will generally be corkers.

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On 30/09/2017 at 2:15 PM, Blue said:

What position do you play? What are you good at? What's your style of play? Etc.

Ill leave this thread to you guys. My brother is good at footy but I'm utter wank. I'm convinced there isn't a worse footballer on the planet than me.

Buddy if you saw me you would feel like messi

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On 9/30/2017 at 8:45 AM, Spike said:

Pretty bad. Never played for a club, it was strictly street football but when we did have sort of cohesion I was a CDM/RB

This is exactly me, not kidding, every single word in this line applies to me.

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On 9/30/2017 at 10:29 AM, SirBalon said:

Very very tiki-taka with an excellent midrange pass and very good long range one.  I was also very good at reading how to arrive late to score.

I had no reason to like this but it was annoying me that you were at 599 I had to fix it.

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