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Member World Cup: Index

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Hello and welcome to the 2017 World Cup of TF365 Members!

This will be a yearly tournament held during the off-season of the football and will hopefully keep things busy over the summer period whilst we all await the new football season.

We have drafted up a list of 64 members who have been active on this forum however you can ''opt out'' of the tournament if you wish. You must do this by tonight at the latest however as we're planning on getting the ball rolling on this as quick as possible. 


- All 64 members will be drawn randomly into 16 groups of 4.

- Each member will face another other member in their group in a head-to-head over a period of 24 hours, giving us three matches in each group - therefore the group stage will last 3 days. All members will then be able to vote on a poll for the member who they think has contributed the most to TF365 whether that be quality of posting, content, likability, advice given etc etc. 

- Following the group stage, the two top members from each group will progress to the last 32, which will be a random draw and will run a round per day until the conclusion of the tournament.

- In the event of a tie in the group stage we will use ''goal difference'' to determine the standings (in other words, the most votes per tie will proceed).

- Once we reach the conclusion of the tournament, we will then be able to crown the TF365 KING (a free blowjob from Batard and a cash prize shall be awarded).


Players (You have until midnight tonight to ''OPT OUT''):

Cannabis, @Stan, @HoneyNUFC, @SirBalon, @Spike, @ATL, @Cicero, @Cure, @LaSambadeStGermain, @Dan, @LFCMadLad, @Batard, @Tsubasa, @DeadLinesman, @Aaroncpfc, @Toony, @Teso Dos Bichos, @Storts, @Berserker, @Tanksie, @nudge, @True Blue, @VanPanna, @Fairy In Boots, @Anton, @...Dan, @Smiley Culture, @Danny, @Dickie, @Rab, @Machado, @Asura, @HK85, @Mel81x, @True Bender, @Harry, @Bluebird Hewitt, @6666, @RandoEFC, @The Artful Dodger, @ScoRoss, @JOSHBRFC, @Happy Blue, @Inverted, @IgnisExcubitor, @Dr. Gonzo, @Burning Gold, @LFCMike, @Viva la FCB, @Any O'Brien, @StefBWFC, @Takyon, @carefreeluke, @Mazzari, @Chaaay AFC, @Hugh Jass, @Large, @FOYM, @roversgirl, @Lucas, @Azeem98, @Panflute, @Kowabunga, @trago


The inaugural Member World Cup will be run by our very own Toony with help from myself - you can PM either of us if you have any questions. Enjoy! 


Opt Outs:

  • Teso Dos Bichos



  • You are not permitted to vote for yourself. Doing so is plain retarded and shows yourself to be a desperate mongaloid. If you are found voting for yourself this will be alerted to the rest of the forum who will take great pleasure in making you look a fool so don't even bother.
  • You are not permitted to vote in ties that are a part of our group. For example if you are a part of Group X you cannot vote in any Group X polls. This prevents people from voting strategically in order to get through this part of the game. We want the winner to be the best member as voted for by the rest of the board, not the person that played the figures best. 
  • You are not permitted to throw a tantrum if you go out early. Everyone on this forum has been incredible in making the place what it is today and we're only three months old. This is a bit of fun to be had throughout the summer while the football dries up, if you find yourself out in the early stages of the competition dust yourself down and get back on the horse. Don't read into things too much. 
  • Above all, have fun! 


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Just now, Aaroncpfc said:

I'm happy to be a part but I wouldn't recommend any spin offs. On other forums I've seen people take it too personally.

i know a few on here who will xD 

*cough* Brian, Cure... *cough* 

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  • Administrator
1 hour ago, Cannabis said:

Once we reach the conclusion of the tournament, we will then be able to crown the TF365 KING (a free blowjob from Batard and a cash prize shall be awarded).

Forever pimping me out because of that one night we spent in that McDonalds bog on Merseyside. 

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  • Administrator
1 hour ago, Cannabis said:


- Once we reach the conclusion of the tournament, we will then be able to crown the TF365 KING (a free blowjob from Batard and a cash prize shall be awarded).




1 minute ago, Teso Dos Bichos said:

Opt out 

your loss. 

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  • Administrator
1 minute ago, Batard said:

If I win do I have to suck myself off and pay myself too? @Storts sounds like some of the ritual abuse you force upon me. 

make a considerable donation to the forum, but one that does not involve sucking yourself off. when people say 'all donations gratefully received', it does not include that :D 

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  • Administrator
2 minutes ago, Stan said:

make a considerable donation to the forum, but one that does not involve sucking yourself off. when people say 'all donations gratefully received', it does not include that :D 

You could class me as something of a major shareholder in this site already, I'll be diverting more in due time. So I'd be happy to contribute in other ways in terms of prizes. Not a euphemism. 

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1 hour ago, Cannabis said:

Once we reach the conclusion of the tournament, we will then be able to crown the TF365 KING

(a free blowjob from Batard and a cash prize shall be awarded).



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  • Administrator
3 minutes ago, HoneyNUFC said:

I cannot believe we are all going to post pics of our members for this forum to vote on. 

We're not. We're all posting pictures of your member. Better trim those pubes. 

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28 minutes ago, Panflute said:

That depends on the amount of honey monster fetishists we have among our ranks. :ph34r: 

Only Harvey. I'm conscious his penis has become the main topic of conversation here. We sound like embarrassing parents. 

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7 minutes ago, Batard said:

Only Harvey. I'm conscience his penis has become the main topic of conversation here. We sound like embarrassing parents. 

You were the first one to say, and I quote, "Harvey's penis".

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